Anybody Have or Heard of a Craig 744a 10.1, 2.3 Gingerbread?


Jan 1, 2012
I tried to find it googling and on all the android sites, even Craig doesn't have it on their site 744 is all I can find ? :confused:
I bought this tablet a couple of days ago. But unfortunately I bricked it and can't find the original software for it. Do you have one? If you do, is there any way you might be able to make me a copy of your working OS. :cool:
Hi, I just bought one of these CMP744a tablets off eBay, it has some issues, and came with a power adapter that is not the right one for this tablet. I've been looking around, but there's very little information on the interwebs about these tablets, and impossible to find any firmware for these. I'm waiting on a power adapter now. Once I get that, I'll get it charged up & powered on, and see how far it gets. If it boots, and assuming I can make the connection to my PC, I can dump the rom and post it somewhere for anyone having problems. I'm wondering if the CMP745 firmware may be compatible with this model. I think the CMP745 has an ICS rom.
OK, since my last post, I was able to cobble together a charger with the right connector for this tablet. Last night, I connected the tablet to my laptop, and I was able to get adb working, and managed to get a dump of the rom using the rkdump utility. Of course, it is too large to attach here, but if anyone needs this rom - it is (I believe) a stock rom for this tablet - then I will post it somewhere and add a link to it.
Were you able to root this device? I would like to upgrade my cmp744a tablet from android 2.3 to 4.0 if possible.
Hey im having the same issue im in canada and bought my cmp744a craig tablet on kijiji and its running fine but i am curious about running 4.0 on it pleasee let me know if you find anything out
HI. i HAve the same model...two of them. im locked out of the one i use...forgot password. my husband did get it to a 4.0.
However, now , i think ineed firmware, the os, something to reset this since im locked out. any chance you have a file or os? I can get the info for the upgrade.
much apreciated