Anyone else having a number of issues with their A510?


Apr 27, 2011
Just got mine yesterday. Here are some of the issues I'm having. If I list a comparison it's being compared to my old Acer A500

The weather widget rescales itself so it looks zoomed in after a period of time.

Panning down a page in the web browser is not fluid. it seems off like with a little swipe it pans too little and a big swipe it's too much. Definitely not 1 to 1, also changing the sensitivity doesn't help.

The screen is not as sharp as my A500, could be the tegra 3 but in some games they have a halo effect over the details. Like in Zen pinball the game looks very washed out vs. the A500 is razer sharp.

PS3 bluetooth does not work, according to tegrazone it is supposed to with ICS.

Bottom right of the tab get's very warm not a deal breaker but definitely does get warm. It doesn't really bother me but other people have listed this and i would just like to confirm it. I read that the new Ipad gets incredibly hot as well so I think this is the norm.

I'm having issues with some games and apps. Shadowgun is slow and unresponsive in the title screen and the game randomly locks the controls were you are stuck moving in one direction.

The circus ball app from tegrazone was slow and glitchy for me not using the tegra 3 and then, bam it was fast and looked prettier, the acceleration must of kicked on. It's very buggy and doesn't work half the time. I know it's a benchmark to show off the system but it doesn't work very well for me.

I tried watching a tv show on the CW app yesterday and it would randomly lock the app. I know this app uses flash and flash usually is the culprit.

Overall the web experience is very fast, much faster than my a500 but overall I still have noticed some glitchiness that plagued my A500. Mostly when using apps or downloading apps.

Overall I'm on the fence, the A510 is not exactly what I hoped it would be. I know Acer will fix most of these issues like they did with the A500 but I was expecting a little more. I was hoping all the glitchiness that plagued the A500 was sorted out, i also thought for sure the screen would be better if not the same. I was very happy with my a500 screen but in some games the A510 looks washed out. Definitely a step backwards. It must be the tegra 3.
Which is why I'm waiting for the A700. I did not think that the A510 was worth the money - so I'm sticking with my A500.