Anyone Having Problems with micro SD Card?


Dec 27, 2010
Received my gTab... had a 2GB micro SD card from my Palm 680 lying around. Put into the adapter with my WIN 7 machine and formatted the card to FAT32...

When I insert into the gTab, a message appears in my Notification drop down

The drop down says - Damaged SD Card - SD card damaged. You may have to reformat your card... selecting FORMAT does not correct the issue...

Ideas? Thanks - Dan
Try a different card. Process of elimination. Will let us know if it's your Gtab or the card itself.
Yes, I did try through settings/storage... also. When in this menu there is the Mount command... when I select this it says "SD card safe to remove"
Prior to removal the amount of Total space & Available space both say "Unavailable"

I did plug in a USB stick in the full size USB port - it is recognized and I can browse it. To remove, must anything special be done? Normally on a PC I eject prior to removal, can't seem to find an eject method.

You are suppose to "safely remove" removable flash devices but as long as the flashing light on your flash drive is not flashing then there is no disk activity and no risk of problems. Do you have another micro sd card to try out on the device? What are you setting the Allocation unit size to?
I have to pick up another micro SD - have a ton of full size cards... did not have much call for the micro until now...

Allocation size? I formated from my PC by right clicking and formating to FAT 32... seem to recall seeing that somewhere...

I can read and write to the micro SD in the adapter on my PC...

Thanks for helping...
My problem with my microsd card is it doesn't show up when I plug my gtab to the computer. I can see the internal sdcard to mount and unmount but not the sdcard2. I know it works because the gtab sees it and I can use file managers to see it and I was able to use it with Titanium Backup to backup and restore. I have Harmony 1.2 which is working wonderfully running 2270 on Quadrant, thanks to all the help here. Right now I have to load files using the sdcard shell to insert in computer. Is this a Rom issue? I never tried it with the stock viewsonic rom. One other question, can I use the sdcard2 with CWM after first having used the internal memory and not the external? If I put the and recovery in the sdcard2 and not sdcard, will CWM then find in automatically in sdcard2? I wanted to ask before trying. Don't want to mess up a good thing I have going right now.
I am having a similar problem. I bought a 8" tablet w a ARMV7 processor. It boots up w samsung part numbers and the device is a smdkv210. I put 8gb micro card in it,formatted it to FAT32 and it doesn't show up. If it does its only showing as 3gb available. Im not sure who makes this pad but im also having wifi connection issues as well as some games and apps crashing or not loading and a message that says the tablet is too unstable to run the apps. Im new to the android system andwould appreciate some advice if anyone has any. I would like to reinstall and root the tablet but don't know where to start. I have alot of experience w apple products but wanted something different. The tablet is running 2.2, is there anyway to upgrade to 2.3? Sorry about the dumb questions.
Well, I found the answer to my previous question. This particular tablet does not display sdcard2 when connected to pc via usb. To format/partition sdcard2 you must do it through your pc and not CWM. A mistake I am seeing in previous posts and including myself is that people are wiping out their internal sdcard thinking they are formating/partioning sdcard2 throu CWM. It would be nice to have a clarification of this in one of the stickies so newbies like myself don't make the same mistake.
coyote - wondering if you could assist me. When I connect the gTab with TnT Harmony 1.2 to a Win 7 x64 machine - I can see the contents of the SDcard - this is the internal memory. The gTab does not show up as a "Device" - could you help me understand if this should be connected as a Device? Any advice on how to correct this? Thanks...

PS waiting for FedEx to deliver my new SD card...
coyote - wondering if you could assist me. When I connect the gTab with TnT Harmony 1.2 to a Win 7 x64 machine - I can see the contents of the SDcard - this is the internal memory. The gTab does not show up as a "Device" - could you help me understand if this should be connected as a Device? Any advice on how to correct this? Thanks...

What you are seeing is the internal sdcard contents. Sdcard2 is the microsd card you put in the side slot. That will not show up using the usb connector. To move contents from your computer to the sdcard, you need to mount the card by tapping on the icon that appears along the right upper edge of the display of the gtab. To see the sdcard2 contents with the gtab connected to the computer you would have to use the android-sdk program which is a pain to setup and use and probably not needed for the most part unless you are more into testing/programming/developing stuff. The stickies on the forum have been pretty helpful.
oops - read your post a couple up and you did state that " cannot see the sdCard2 when connected by USB" - missed that... So when formatting your sdCard2 you placed it into an adapter, inserted into the PC, right clicked and choose format Fat 32... that is what I tried... gTab tells me that my sdcard is damaged... new one should be here tomorrow... hope I don't screw that one up :)
I am having the exact same issue with my 2nd SD Card. I can see it from with in the file browser of the GTab, but not when connected to the PC Via USB. I am running:
TnT G-Harmony
Tapui TnT G-Harmony V1
Build FRF91

Is this going on with any other ROMS? I have this one pretty much set up and ready to rock but it would be a long process of removing the card just to add file and re-insert. I have rechecked the Recovery side to ensure that it shows mounted there. So like everyone else not sure what is going on. may try a Vegen or a CM Rom over the week end to see if the same problem exists there as well.
I am having the exact same issue with my 2nd SD Card. I can see it from with in the file browser of the GTab, but not when connected to the PC Via USB. I am running:
TnT G-Harmony
Tapui TnT G-Harmony V1
Build FRF91

Is this going on with any other ROMS? I have this one pretty much set up and ready to rock but it would be a long process of removing the card just to add file and re-insert. I have rechecked the Recovery side to ensure that it shows mounted there. So like everyone else not sure what is going on. may try a Vegen or a CM Rom over the week end to see if the same problem exists there as well.

You can ONLY see the SDCARD via USB. If you want to put data on your SDCARD2 (MicroSD card), you MUST use an SD card adapter and put the card into your PC. This is the way it is with the G-Tablet. I have yet to find a ROM that does differently. (I have not tried many experimental ROMs, only 3 so far)
I am having the exact same issue with my 2nd SD Card. I can see it from with in the file browser of the GTab, but not when connected to the PC Via USB. I am running:
TnT G-Harmony
Tapui TnT G-Harmony V1
Build FRF91

Is this going on with any other ROMS? I have this one pretty much set up and ready to rock but it would be a long process of removing the card just to add file and re-insert. I have rechecked the Recovery side to ensure that it shows mounted there. So like everyone else not sure what is going on. may try a Vegen or a CM Rom over the week end to see if the same problem exists there as well.

If your only concern is file transfers.. you can over come this via an app that supports file transfers over wifi... take the file manager File Expert(free app) for example.. it allows easy set up and transfers via an fttp server that's built in.. you turn on the feature in the app then type in the IP address it gives you in any internet browser from the pc you're wanting to transfer the file from. Once there it's a failry simple tree menu that allows you to upload and download files between the devices all from the browser window. You can back out of the tree all the way to the root directory and select either "sdcard" (internal mem) or "sdcard2" (external mem)..

Edit:.. tried this to confirm... you can only do transfers to the internal "sdcard"... but once you have them on there you can easily cut and paste them in file expert to the exernal "sdcard2"...

you can also use file expert to pull files off of a USB stick drive

if it's media files.. file expert is supposed to allow you to stream the files off of a pc on your network with out having to pull it to your device. I've got it to logg in via my network and can access the public shared folder on a win7 machine.. can access pics that i have there but can't get it to stream mp3's.. i can look more if you like...
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