APAD G10 10" Freescale iMX515


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
Was sent these renders...


Freescale iMX515 at 800MHz
Cortex A8
Android 2.2

This could be the mid range device missing in the 10" tablet category. Does have a CE symbol on the back, so it may be seeing more European imports than American, if it is real anyway.

Full USB slot. Visible SIM card slot as well.

Should be resistive 1024x600 at 10".

Interesting that there is actually a microphone jack separate to the speaker jack on this.

There seems to be a second back button on the side of the device. That's just a little weird... Would do good if it is a media control button of some sort.

Another interesting note is the 12v 2A rating on the back.






Just found the Taobao page

1199RMB wifi only ~182usd
1499RMB with 3g ~ 228usd

+50USD shipping or so typical for vendors

so totals after shipping...
$225 for the G10
$275 for the G10 with 3G

Here's our new mid-range 10" tablet
Is it FAIR to ask you XAUEIOUS, given the choice between this and Wits A81G capacitative which one would you get? PLEASE elaborate as I value your opinion and am in the market for a new tablet. Ofcourse if you have another better choice/option please do comment. Many thanks.
I am the type that just reads information and tries to make my best judgement based on that. To be honest, I have not done a lot of reading on the WITS, or the rare A81 capacitive. As the G10 is not even out yet, I have only seen one operation video on it from the manufacturer's webpage. So I can't really make a fair judgement on either device right now. I have high hopes for the G10 because it fills a market void at 10-inches, and iMX515 is pretty good in my opinion. The A81 is going to have weird bugs Witstech will never be able to fix.

If you are looking for a tablet at this price range, get the Nook Color since you are in the US.