app hoarding


Mar 2, 2011
Just wondering how many of you hoard their apps... I have so many apps installed on my Nook that never gets used, I should really uninstall some. The downside of hoarding apps seems to be that Android wants to start up everything when you boot up and you end up with many programs running in the background that you never even use. I finally found a way around that, but still have trouble deciding to uninstall apps! :) Anyone else have this issue?
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.:) I've got about 70 installed and except for 15 or so, I can't remember ever using the others.:cool:
Nope, frequent tinkeritus keeps me from hoarding (on the actual device tough everyhting is around if I want it). Whatever is non-essential usually has been left behind in a backup when I start fresh. Since I'm running on an SD as my primary it is simple to format the card and start clean. It is easy enough to download and restore what I need. Full restores can be cumbersome and time consuming so starting fresh and not wanting to spend the time on full restores means only the used apps get restored.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.:) I've got about 70 installed and except for 15 or so, I can't remember ever using the others.:cool:

I don't know if I would call 70 apps really hoarding... I think I have more than 350... and it usually goes up by about 1 per day because of Amazon :D
Wouldn't it be considered hoarding no matter the number as long as you are not using the apps? I must admit that while I technically don't hoard them on the device I do have a nice little repository of the free apps waiting in the cloud or in the backups. :)
I just install ,try for a while and uninstall but if later I need them I still find them on google among my apps. I learned to keep it simple when I saw something eating my battery, a while ago.But I have to say I don' t have an addictive personality ......ooops, I just counted them, I got 50, too many, let me get rid of few!
And what about the android tablets hoarders .........there are quite few on the forum!
Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
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I have a few essential apps that go into every build. I also have an "APK" folder on my SD card so I cna re-install some of them. Once a build is up and running I typically have about 25 or so apps installed. I want a lean n clean tablet so unless an app has me totally inlove with, away it goes. My issue is widgets and launchers. Right now I am putting together a nice little setup on a fresh install of CM7 to my EMMC (internal storage for you non-techies). ADW launcher is ok, but it is too minimal. I find that with enough widgets I can replicate what a lot of other apps do, but instantly right on the home screen. I typically have 2 screens. 1 for the widgets and 1 for everything else.

Someone mention B&N books. I have 200+ in my account, a few archived and about another 100 or so more in .EPUB and PDF format stored on my SD card. The SD card in question is a 32GB one which I bought myself for Christmas this year. I have close to 1000 e-books stored on my PC. Once I get them named properly and converted into nice .EPUB files (some are .CHM, .PDF, .TXT, etc) and organized in a nice hierarchical nested folder setup, I will copy them over to my SD card as well. I'd like to be able to have my entire library at my fingertips. I am also considering purcasing another 32GB card to store movies and music for trips.

But going back to apps. Since someone mentioned the Amazon app store, yes I have about 100 or so more apps attached to my account with them. Some really nice one's too like full versions of Documents to Go and Quick Office HD, Swype, to name a a few. Love that they give away an app a day.
Wow, sounds like you aren't a hoarder but a curator :) Nice job on keeping it all organized and ready to go.