App lets you use a PS3 cotroller with your tablet via Bluetooth....


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2010
Droid-life dropped this knowledge bomb yesterday...( Want The Sixaxis Game Controller Experience Without Having To Buy An Xperia Play? - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog )... and alas I don't have a PS3, yeah I know have a tablet but no up to date game system, let the hazzing begin...:rolleyes:

Wanted to post to see if it would actually work with the Gtab before i went out and forked over $25-$30 for a 6 axis controler. Any brave souls that have a PS3 to step up?

Market links... to the compatibility checker app and main app
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I actually messed around with that app yesterday, my norton kept stopping it so I had to turn it off for 15 min to download and install it. It paired up just fine but I don't have any games that will work with it. emulators work best with it from what I understand. sucks though because I wanted to use it to play asphault 6 on it.