App2sd that will move apps to external_SD?


Dec 11, 2010
Is there a version of app2sd that works with the a500, moving apps to the external_SD?


Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Someone else recently asked about this and the consensus on that thread was that Honeycomb does not allow apps to be on external SD cards. I think the thread was titled "Is 8gb enough?"

Hope that helps.
There seem to be more and more Android devices that mount internal memory at the /sdcard mount point resulting in uses running into issues of running out of space. The Vizio Vtab 1008 only has 2.4 GB of storage mounted at /sdcard.

The reasons that manufacturers do this, I believe, is for support reasons. Apps installed to an external SD card will fail if that card is removed. You can lose critical data, such as maps for a nav program, if the card is removed. So they mount built-in memory at /sdcard so that they don't have to deal with this as a support issue.

Unfortunately to get apps to actually be moved to the external SD Card you have to change the way that the internal storage and the external SD Card are mounted, doing this usually requires root and modifying system files.

You can read s discussion of this on the VTAB here.