Archos 101 internet tablet plus 2.83 Running rooted apps ?


Dec 24, 2011
I have a newer Archos 101 internet tablet plus 2.83 and i would like to use Titanium Backup root , File Explorer root or Some thing that i can use to delete some apks to free up some space on this tablet. I can boot it to what Archos calls rooted but if i try to delete anything it just reinstalls after I reboot.

Any Ideals on getting some of the unused APKS out?
No one has any sujestions on how i could remove some the apps like telephony, dialer, contacts, bluetooth, and there are more that i will never use but take up space on the rom and are stopping me from installing some games i would like to play but there is no room for them.
hi wouldnt be too quick to root your device warranty thing :) i have had the same problem with my archos 101 poor amount of app space but i resolved this with a app from android market called link2SD. you need a sd card with a special format on it i made a 4gb partition on my 16gb card this allows you to install apps to sd and run from there instead of running from device app memory. this app does use a little of your main memory for each app but is a huge difference. i have all angry birds series installed dozens of other games my device app memory should be completely full but i still have 50mb free.the app does say it requires root but it works 100% ok without i have had no problems it complains that it wants root each time you go to link2SD app on your device just ignore this it works anyway :). if you have trouble making partition on your sd card there is a guide just google it took me a couple of tries to get right ex2 partition works fine for me but there is other types of partition that also work i guess just down to your sd card type good luck hope it works for you :) you can also move apps your already installed apps to sd to to free up more space

guide here :) ignore the thing saying device needs to be rooted as it works fine on archos 101 g8 without root
Link2SD Guide and Usage Tutorial | MadTeam
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I tryed Link2sd on this device and without super user permission it will not let me use the second partition. I have a rooted Samsung Galaxy Prevail M820 and Link2sd works great but it all so has the super user permission.

This Archos is a good pad but until it can be really Rooted or a better ROM is available it can go no futher.
What you have is the issue of choice. You will "void" the warranty of the device if you root. It will also remove the autoupdate notification. In my opinion, this has limited value as the newest FW is .83 and all emphasis is on the next generation. G9 series.
This will also mean you lose support if you call for assistance on system probs, but if your units does have issues, you can put it back in warranty by reapplying a factory image manually.
Link2SD works well, and there are other similar tools. What you are describing is really applying one of the Community Firmwares for the Gen8 101. Obviously you will have to either try Chulris Root solution or the Urukdroid FW to accomplish what you are wanting. Keep in mind. Archos is by far one of the most locked down FW to prevent manipulation or malware compromise. The downside of going SDE and/or CFW is you much of the time lose one of Archos best features, its media player. Thus Chulris Root may be the answer.
Nice post, Gurgle.

I discovered and used UrukDroid, it's a great improvement over the Archos original factory firmware for me. The sudden slow downs, as the tablet run out of RAM (only 256 MB on this unit, argh) are gone.

Much more polished than Archos's own. Recommended.