Arnova 8c G3 help

Oct 5, 2012
Since I do not see a thread for my specific tablet that I own, I have started one.
The Arnova 8c G3 is a great tablet because it is fast, small, and inexpensive. I would highly recommend it if it wasnt for a few issues that have been going on since I bought it a few weeks ago.
The biggest issue I have right now is random reboots. My tablet will randomly reboot by itself only when it is in sleep mode. I find myself often waking up in the middle of the night by a lound ringing sound it makes when it boots up. I do not know if the rebooting issue is related to the hardware or the software, which is Android 4.0, any thoughts on what may be causing this?
My other smaller issues are with a few browsers. The default browser works fine but Chrome or Opera are buggy. When I open Chrome I get this weird red frame around the screen for a sec, and when i go to a website it crashes and sends me back to homescreen. In Opera I go to a website, but it never loads, then when I go to homescreen and open Opera again, the website is there already loaded! I have settled for Dolphin browser and it does a terrific job, but I would like to know more of why Chrome and Opera are not working properly on my tablet, and if anybody else has this problem with their tablet.
My last issue is about some graphical glitches in the interface I get after using my tablet for a while. I will get little colored rectangular shapes in the app interfaces, missing letters in the homescreen, etc. and I don't know if it could be an Android problem, or the hardware in my tablet is defective, maybe the memory?
These are all problems I could live with but it bugs me knowing that they are going on and if they could mean my tablet is defective and could fail after I'm not able to exchange it.
So If anybody has any thoughts about all this, or have a similar experience with their 8C G3 feel free to reply on here and I'll try to help as well.

Here's a picture of the little punk:

As you can see it's been rooted to the custom firmware with Google Play
After doing some Googling I came up with a possible solution to the reboot problem.
Step 1: Download an app called Wake Lock.
Step 2: Check the Partial_Wake_Lock option
Step 3: Check Start on Boot option.

source: 100% Working solution for random reboot problem tf101

A problem with this method is that it may drain your battery faster. I haven't done too much testing but I installed it this morning and since then my tablet hasnt restarted once. I will keep researching into the other solutions I found here:

[HOW TO] ICS update problems? - fix them with these steps

Notice that this is from a forum dedicated to the Asus tablet so some of the information may not apply to the Arnovas. I'm suspecting the cause is a driver so maybe we will have an update from Archos in the future to address it.
so a few days ago i did a restore on my tablet because the battery kept ying so quickly. since then i havent had a single random reboot but the battery keeps taking forever to charge and then it inly lasts a couple of hours. i just did a full charge cycle and if tbat doesnt fix the problem im looking into exchanging it. so yeh, thats my update if anybody is interested . thank u for reading :)
Just wanted to chime in on this thread because I also have the Arnova 8c G3 and after rooting it I am also experiencing graphical glitches, so I do think it deff has something to do with the new firmware..I have tried re-rooting it different ways with no luck, so I will be returning my tablet as well..It's a shame the firmware was not tested enough before release..