[Article] Nook Color to Let Authors Autograph E-Books


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Dec 8, 2010
Famous authors won't lose the ability to autograph their books in the digital age if Barnes & Noble has anything to say about it. With a firmware upgrade, the Nook Color will reportedly allow authors to sign their books with a stylus. The first "e-book signing" is scheduled for next week.

Authors will need to put their Sharpies down, and instead use a stylus to sign a book directly on the Nook Color's touchscreen, and the e-reader will store the signature on that digital copy of the book. Presumably, the signature would be visible to anyone who reads it, even friends who borrow the book on the Nook platform, essentially converting bragging rights to digital form.

Yesterday the Nook Color received a major software upgrade—adding apps, an email client, and Adobe Flash compatibility—but the new autograph feature appears to be separate from that. A company called Autography has patented software for writing autographs on e-books, but it's not known whether the Nook feature uses that technique or something different.

The first Nook e-book signing is said to be scheduled for May 2 at a Barnes & Noble store on New York City's Upper East Side, featuring children's book author Sandra Boynton and her book "The Going to Bed Book."

The Nook Color is far from the first e-reader to allow users to write on...
Nook Color to Let Authors Autograph E-Books | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Barnes and Noble will be employing the Autography software we wrote about a few weeks ago, to allow authors to digitally sign ebooks!

Autography is a software based touchscreen solution that allows authors to autograph ebooks. It is a positive step in the right direction allowing eBooks to bear the once in a lifetime signing that makes tangible books so attractive. Often the signed hardcover is placed in a special place on the mantel, and now ebooks enjoy the same privilege.

Barnes and Noble will be offering select signings at their various book store locations to get authors to sign digital copies, as well as print. The first author to usher in this new policy is Sandra Boynton. “The Going to Bed Book” is scheduled for Barnes & Noble’s Upper East Side store in New York City (7 p.m. on Monday, May 2).
Nook Color owners can get eBooks autographed | Good E-Reader Blog - ebook Reader and Tablet PC News

Interesting tech, could lead to something better than autographs.
I'd like to see how they try and value these on Antiques Roadshow! Besides once you have the digital signature couldn't you just copy and paste it where ever you want?

You are so funny. I can see them decreasing the value of the signature if there are too many fingerprints on the screen...
I think this is just stupid.I had fallen in love with authors before and if they were still alive I would have waited on line for a couple of days in order to get one of their books signed but it is not about the signature really.....I just would have loved to see the peson who made me have orgasms at every word he wrote and tell him that and thank him.
I could care less about the autographs, but the idea of a working stylus........ Now that gets me excited.. So do Gloria's vivid descriptions of her reading experiences, but that's a whole different topic ;)