Ashton Kutcher Designing Entire Line of Lenovos


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2012

Ashton Kutcher joined Lenovo as more than just a celebrity endorsement. He’s not just a pretty face Lenovo can toss around. The guy is smart, having studied biochemical engineering (though leaving before graduating). He also keeps up to date with technology and even has his own investment company. His role at Lenovo is quite involved.

In fact, the next thing he will be doing is designing an entire line of Lenovo devices. Though the hardware will be standard, Kutcher is in charge of creating a better user experience with these special edition devices. Lenovo CMO David Roman says, “He not only sees himself as an engineer, but he is an engineer. If he sees a problem, he wants to solve it.”

It’s actually exciting to see what Ashton Kutcher comes up with. I don’t usually get excited about celebrity news, but it’ll be interesting, to say the least. And with Lenovo now owning Motorola, we’ll have to watch closely where Lenovo goes and gauge what it means for our beloved Motorola. Are you excited to see what Kutcher has up his sleeve? Tell us!

Source: Recode
Now just image what half of the people on this forum could do if they were put in a similar position, I know I could have done better on the previous "old" Yoga 10!
It's a shame Google is selling Motorola, as the Moto X and Moto G were two cool handsets, in my opinion. The Moto X was a little too expensive, but it had some genuine innovations that set it apart from the pack. Let's see what Kutcher can come up with.