ASUS Italy Announces Ice Cream Sandwich for Transformer Prime in January


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

The Italian arm of ASUS revealed today that their version of the new Tegra 3 powered Transformer Prime tablet will be delayed until January. That bit of bad news for them brought with it some welcome news as well, however. They indicated that because of the delay, the tablet will be released with Android 4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich, instead of Honeycomb. This is great news for the Italians in the long run, but is also great news for the rest of us, because it shows that Asus has been working hard to get ICS on their flagship device ASAP, and the rest of the world should get it in January as well. Additionally, there was some further news that the Italian version of the tab will only come in a WiFi variety, instead of a WiFi + 3G version. I suppose this is a small trade-off in order to get ICS preloaded on your device by January...

Above is an unboxing video from SlashGear of the Asus Transformer Prime.

Source: TransformerForums via SlashGear
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