Asus tf101: Wifi connection problem


Aug 20, 2011
I have a problem to connect my Asus tf101 to my wifi network. My tablet does not see the network, while other devices do, the network signal strength is max. It is WPA secured. The tablet see some networks around with a much lower signal.
Also noticed that wifi is working very slow even with networks to which it is possible to connect.
Could anybody advice possible way to solve the problem?

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Some people have had success by changing from WPA to WEP. I have no idea why, but they say it works.
Thank you very much for your coments.

Yes, network is visible. As also it was WEP encripted initialy, Ive changed it to WPA while looking for the reason, it didnt help. And my tablet see othet WPA encripted network.

No success so far.

Also a new thing Ive noticed, if I reset my rooter, the network becomes visible for my tablet for few seconds and after that disapears...

Sent from my HTC Desire using Android Tablet Forum
Works now. Thanks everybody. Dont understand the reason, but my tablet just connected the network...
Probably there were some disturbances, but strange that other devices were working without problems...
Anyway, great that everything working and hope problem will not come back again.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Android Tablet Forum
I had the same problem - all devices saw the internet connections and router, but my Asus didn`t. I try a lot of solution and I find the reason. Problem was in basic router settings. Asus didn`t seen router because channel on router was set on 13, when I change it to 6 everything was fine. Maybe somebody will have the same problem and I hope this post will be helpfull.
For me the problem was the same, it just came back and I go deeper in router settings changes. Chanel selection was set to auto and I set it to 9. That helped. Later in internet I found a post about wifi chanels for tf101, it was saying that chanel has to be 11 or lower. Cannot explain why, but looks like it is true.
Hope this info will be helpful.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Android Tablet Forum
So my tablet says it's "connected" to my wireless router, and the signal is excellent. BUT when i try to go on the internet browser, it bring up a page that says "Webpage not available" and this is for any site i try to go to. Also when i try to use anything that requires an internet connection, it says "no connection". So is it connected or not?

And the little icon below that shows your internet connection, its supposed to be Blue, but is gray.

Also, my laptop connects to it perfectly, just not my tablet, i don't know what to do. Can anyone help???
I am curious if this happens in all of your web browsers, or just the default "Browser"

Also, have you used PDAnet to tether (or attempt to tether) to your phone?
I had the same problem. There was some issue with channel numbers and I ended up having to use channel 11. I just could not get any other channel to work. But while had "connection" between my Prime and my network, there was no data transfer. The little signal strength meter showed full signal but was grayed out. (The signal would vary as I walked away from the wireless router and I could "see" my network when using a third party wifi analyzer.) I then had to "forget" the connection on my tablet and then re-establish from scratch. That seemed to work for me.