Asus Tf300 seems slow and laggy compared to Nexus 7?


Dec 23, 2012
I bought an Asus TF300 about 8 months ago or so. I have completely loved everything about it except for one thing. Ever since I bought it the tablet always seemed "laggy"! Opening up Chrome is never instant and sometimes I have a delay when switching tabs or closing out of them. Even when I swap from screen to screen sometimes it doesn't do so smoothly. When I flip my tablet to go from horizontal to vertical it gives me a blank screen for a good amount of time. I always just ignored it and figured that it was the "buggy" operating system everyone always told me Android had (Even though this is the only problem I have run into so far). It just seems to be bogged down and take awhile to responded to certain actions.

Anyway I bought my wife a Nexus 7 as a present and all those things that I thought were due to the operating system are not there! It is snappy from screen to screen, Chrome is instant and no lag on the websites. When I turn it from horizontal to vertical it does not take long to refresh the screen.

Don't get me wrong I love my Asus and have enjoyed it but does anyone know what the deal is? Is it me, the operating system or Asus? I would really like my tablet to have the same responsiveness. These tablets have almost the same innards with the Tegra 3 and 1 gig of ram.

I played with an Asus TF300 at Staples and it seemed about the same as mine. The display models for the Nexus 7 and 10 preformed just like my wife's.

Any tips or idea's please?

My tablet has been updated and I did that reset that clears the Cache and things of that nature. Thanks! :)
Comparing any 10" tablet with a 7' when looking at raw performance is almost an apples to oranges thing, but you may very well get some additional performance by doing a factory reset of the TF300. Don't forget the fact that you have been using it for 8 months. They have a tendency to get gummed up over time.. Starting out fresh would certainly help, maybe even a lot, but a different browser may also make a difference.

And welcome to the forum
Thank you for your quick response. I have noticed this lag right when I bought this device. Also I tried the Nexus 10 which is the 10" device and it was just as snappy as the 7". Is there a way to do a factory reset without losing the apps I enjoy and the content saved to them? Thanks
Thank you for your quick response. I have noticed this lag right when I bought this device. Also I tried the Nexus 10 which is the 10" device and it was just as snappy as the 7". Is there a way to do a factory reset without losing the apps I enjoy and the content saved to them? Thanks

Yes - and - no. You can use the app backup app to save the apps and nearly all the associated settings. Save it somewhere on your computer or to a microSD card. You can do a hard reset first that won't lose the apps or data. The App Backup app will not save any data you copied or content you created.