Asus TF300 Tablet.


Jul 7, 2012
Hi Everyone,

I would like to know if anyone could i. nform me of a good appt. and where I can get it to convern my digital movie from my regular PC, download them using the Micro card to my tablet. I tried to do this and could not view my movies just got greenish slime. I heard they have to be downloaded in MP4 format. Any assistance on this?
Hi neighbor and welcome to the forum

MP4 is just one of the formats that can be used by various video apps on your Transformer but it usually the easiest/best all around solution. The problem comes from the way other files are converted as there are many different ways to encode and convert the files and some work better than others. I use DVDCatalyst which can be found here. It's not free but worth the $10 US for the convenience alone. There are Transformer and other tablet specific optimized settings. Pretty much guaranteed to work.

Since they are also a forum supporter you can get plenty of support help here.
+1 for DVD Catalyst.

Also, if you are trying to use the Digial Copy that came with a BluRay combo set, this will not work unless you have specific devices (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, and some Sony devices). The DRM on them has not been adapted for Android, mostly because Android cannot be tied to an iTunes account and no one at Google has ever pushed hard enough to do the same with Digital Copies and the Play Store.

I just use DVD Catalyst to rip them to mp4 format using a setting for the TF101 (it also has settings for the TF300T) and you should be good to go.
Hi Leeshor,
If I get DVDCatalyst, I will be able to convert my Digital copies from my BlueRays and view them on my TF300 tablet? Is this correct?
Hi Leeshor,
If I get DVDCatalyst, I will be able to convert my Digital copies from my BlueRays and view them on my TF300 tablet? Is this correct?

That's a qualified yes. The reason is that some of the digital copies are DRM protected with technology that makes it difficult to impossible. However the owner of DVD Catalyst does everything in his power to make it work. They have their own forum here if you want to check it out.
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