Asus TF300T Will Not Charge


Apr 3, 2011
I have an Asus TF300T and have had it for 6 months now. It has worked flawlessly.

I have lost the USB cable and AC adapter that came with it.

I bought another 6' cable from Amazon and plugged it into my computer. My computer recognizes the tablet. However, when I plug the same usb cable into a proven AC/USB plug and plugged it into the wall, the TF300T activates, but it does not show the little lightning bolt that tells me it is charging. I go into the battery program and it says it is not charging.


Note: I have not dropped or damaged this unit. It was charging perfectly when I had the original cable and ac adapter.

Here is an interest thing. I just plugged the TF300T into the keyboard I bought for it and plugged the USB cable into the keyboard. The widget shows that the TF300T is charging, but the keyboard is not.

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Standard phone charger does not have the wattage output to charge the tablet.
But a new charger for tablets. had excellent accessories for Asus tablets.
I have an Asus TF300T and have had it for 6 months now. It has worked flawlessly.

I have lost the USB cable and AC adapter that came with it.

I bought another 6' cable from Amazon and plugged it into my computer. My computer recognizes the tablet. However, when I plug the same usb cable into a proven AC/USB plug and plugged it into the wall, the TF300T activates, but it does not show the little lightning bolt that tells me it is charging. I go into the battery program and it says it is not charging.


Note: I have not dropped or damaged this unit. It was charging perfectly when I had the original cable and ac adapter.

Here is an interest thing. I just plugged the TF300T into the keyboard I bought for it and plugged the USB cable into the keyboard. The widget shows that the TF300T is charging, but the keyboard is not.

Alan is right. The stock charger outputs 15 VDC when it detects an Eee Pad. Otherwise it outputs 5 VDC.

Anything below 11 VDC and the tablet does not show it is charging.

You can use a computer USB port, but it will charge at a rate of 3% per hour, but only when the screen is off.

An iPad (2 amp) charger will yield a rate of about 10% per hour with the screen off.

I would recommend getting another Asus charger, or get the one from Caseen.

Moved to the Asus TF300 forum.