ASUS TF700 Issues


Nov 12, 2010
Thinking about buying the ASUS TF700 and just wondering if there are any common issues and what those may be?

Thinking about buying the ASUS TF700 and just wondering if there are any common issues and what those may be?


I currently have several customers with TF700 Transformers, 1 has 3 of them. So far I haven't heard of or seen any issues with any of them. I thought there was some I/O issues and slow speed issues.

Anyone know about these? I thought there was some I/O issues and slow speed issues.

Anyone know about these?

There can be performance issues if you over load it with active widgets and a lot of other stiff like that that runs in the background but those issues are all solvable.
So all the issues that are associated with the TF700 are due to it being over loaded with active widgets?
I have a problem with Asus Infinity: the dock unhinges from the right side even when locked.Will contact Amazon on Monday.
So all the issues that are associated with the TF700 are due to it being over loaded with active widgets?

Pretty much. Rogue apps are the only problems I've seen. Not all are written as well as they might have been.