Audio & Video player for road


Apr 5, 2013
Hola amigos! Several months ago I broke my tablet PC which I used as player while being along the road. I could not fix it so I am looking towards a new device to use as player. Could you help me to choose a suitable player for me? Here are the main things I am looking for:

- Support of microSD cards because I store all my music / video collection on it
- Support of FLAC, APE, MP3, coverart and special characters (like Spanish alphabet)
- Support of MP4 & AVI so I could watch videos without need to bother with converters
- Touchscreen – the only thing I want touchscreen for is to easily navigate through video
- Comfortable navigation system – folder tree with search function would be great
- Good battery – at least 4 hours of lifetime while playing audio because I listen a lot of music
- Not to big screen so I wouldn`t need to take a bag with me to place player there

1) Do not give me links to brand devices like Cowon or Apple. I can easily find that kind of stuff by myself. Cowon and similar to it devices cost really high – for example, for the price of Samsung Galaxy Player I can buy two new Chinese tablet PCs. Brand devices take money for brand, warranty and lots of stuff that I don`t need (apps, Wi-fi, games etc.) Besides I usually break or lose stuff so it`s another reason why I don`t want myself expensive stuff. I could buy tablet PC but I don`t need it. I need a cheap but quality audio / video player. I know out there are lots of cheap Chinese no-name players but I`m afraid to buy them because I haven`t found any reviews on them. I`m afraid they got crappy battery or freeze. I don`t want to throw out money on garbage that won`t work.
2) As I mentioned above I don`t need from player anything but playing audio & video. When I had my tablet PC I used only 10% of its` functionality – I was listening to music and sometimes watching videos. I don`t need games, Facebook, Twitters, Wi-fi and all that stuff. I just want to listen to music and watch videos from my trainings from time to time.

These are ones I found on eBay - New Real 4GB 4 3" HD Touch Screen MP3 MP4 MP5 RMVB FLV TV Out Player 4G 1080p | eBay I really like specs but they are no-name and very cheap so it really bothers me. Could you give me some advices or share your experience with me about purchasing player?