B&N called me about installing CM7!


Jan 2, 2012
I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I couldn't find it on 3 different forums. I got a call last night around midnight from a number I didn't know, so I let it go to voicemail. When I checked it, it was some guy from Barnes and Noble saying that they can see that I installed Cyanogenmod onto my Nook Color and I have violated the terms of service. What makes this even more messed up is that its my wife's Nook. I did not register it with my info. How in the heck did they get my number? How do they know that I installed a custom ROM. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm going to be investigating this. I feel like my privacy has been compromised.
It must be one of your friends messing up with you! :) At midnight? B&N wouldn't be calling you at midnight,!

Samsung Galaxy Note
Yeah, I'm really not buying this other than a joke (and maybe even a little funny at that,I have to admit).

Sent from my GT-P6210 using Android Tablet Forum
No. My friends are too stupid to even know what CM7 is. Or what rooting is. The area code is nowhere near mine. I believe I'll call the guy back and see what the deal is. I am kinda freaked out about this. I don't understand how B&N would know this. Are they taking screen shots of my device remotely? I mean wtf?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Android Tablet Forum
I'd ignore it. What are you going to do if it is BN? "Yep, I'm running CM7, void my warranty please"?
@weebee My thoughts exactly. I am concerned about the privacy aspect. I intend to investigate that.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Android Tablet Forum
I haven't heard of a nook color that hasn't been rooted. Do you think that now b&N is going to start calling all of us, proud owners of a rooted nook color?:)
We can start a list here with all our phone numbers to make it easier for them!

Samsung Galaxy Note
take the number and go to whocalled.us It is a website that allows you to see if the number you were called from is registered or has been reported by any other people for calls/telemarketing/etc.
We can start a list here with all our phone numbers to make it easier for them!

Good idea, you go first and let us know how that turns out for you.:cool:

BTW Have you already got your new number picked out? Something with 456742 in it would be nice.
you coward!!!!:):):)
305 673 no no no is 674 no no no is 662....sorry guys I can never remember my number, Ill check it and Ill post it next time! :)

Samsung Galaxy Note
At best it's a prank of some sort, at worst you have been fished and either download some app from an disreputable source that is stealing your information or registered at an illegitimate site where you provided some basic information and now they are looking for more. B&N doesn't know what you did on your hardware and even if they did they wouldn't waste time contacting you to let you know about it. Certainly if you were pirating material from B&N you'd find out but it would be through the authorities with an arrest warrant or lawsuit.
Legit companies don't call at midnight. They are prohibited by law from making telemarketing or CS calls after 9pm.