Battery Life and Warm Tablet


Sep 6, 2011
Hello everyone, i just wanted to see what everyone is getting for battery life. Right now I get around 5 hrs of life just reading and web surfing. It also seems to take a long time to fully charge the unit. I hook up the charger and it takes over 8 hrs for the green light to come on to signal full charge.
My unit also gets very warm when in use. The lower back gets really warm to the touch. Wonder if this and the battery life are normal or do i have a defective unit.
I think this tablet has a lot of potential but 5 hrs of battery life is going to be a deal breaker.

Wow mine gets warm but I get 10 to 12 hours and I use it like a rented mule.
Mine gets warm, but I get about the 8-9 hours advertised. Let's see... Monday the weather was lousy, so it was in "inside day" all day. At somewhere between 9 and 10 a.m. it came off the charger. We went out for breakfast. It saw only intermittent use, as the restaurant's WiFi was kind of lame. After returning home, maybe somewhere around 11 a.m., I read a book on that tablet (nook), occasionally checked FB, occasionally dealt with email, etc., until somewhere between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., at which time the battery level meter was down to one bar. The "under 20%" warning popped-up sometime between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., I think.

I keep the GPS off unless I need it the GPS running. I don't use the Bluetooth at all.

Mine gets warm/hot too. I thought my first tablet was defective..because it was warm. After returning the 1st and got the 2nd, it is the same thing.
VTAB gets warm after about 20m of use.
Mine was having this problem and it was due to the gps being enabled and utilized by the location services. Disabling that has the tablet nice and cool with better battery life.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Mine is a little warm too, but acceptable. Mine is without GPS, BT, donot know if these will affect. 3600mah works about 5.5 hours web surfing and watching film.
Thanks everyone for the replys. I exchanged my Vizio the other day and the new one seems to run a little cooler and the battery life is much better. I guess that I got a bad unit the first time. I am getting around 8-9 hrs now and it seems to sleep better with less power drain. My prior unit would drain power while in sleep mode almost as fast as when it was being used. this was with all services and apps off.
Looking forward to Vizio releasing future updates that fix the SD card problem.
Thanks Again!