Battery Life?

Definetly jb drains my battery. I have wifi on all day and airplane mode too but watchin just one movie batt stats goes into 50% on ics just down 10%.... Any suggest?

How long of a movie? That 10% number sounds really low. Usually it is between 2 and 3 movies to drain a battery on most tablets. I watched movies and played games on ICS before upgrading and there is no dramatic difference in battery life since going to JB.

BTW, Airplane mode has wifi off, but supposedly drains less than wifi off. I leave wifi on all the time, connected or not.
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Pretty good for me.
If I am Surfing, Emails, Watch Videos, Listen to some Music while working on it, Downloading some, and Play games I got around 9 hours before hitting 10%.
Now solid gaming approx 6 hours.
And mine is set on Auto Brightness with Wifi on all the time.
Not bad at all in my opinion.
My Iconia A500 had a Tegra 2 in it and it didn't get any better then that.

If I was just listening to music and surfing and maybe doing some work on it.
I figure I'd get around anywhere between 9 to 12 hours easy.

As I said not bad for a $200 tablet and a $500 Asus is only rated at 10 to 12 hours.