

Dec 15, 2011
I have purchased a Toshiba i-pod Thrive. The directions tell me what to do but the items tha are suppose to come up with each step do not. It finds a connection as I have a wireless box but it asks for a password. I used the password for my wireless computer to no avail. Tried the password to my Google account - didn't work. Can't get any further than the first step. Will someone please help me? I am a 1st timer with android tablets! Thanks for your aide in advance~!
Hello BearSeller, congratulations on your new Thrive and welcome to Android Tablets. Nice of you to become a member of the forum. I'm moving your thread over to the Toshiba Thrive section so the folks there can help you out. Good luck!
The code it is asking for is the WEP number on your wireless router.

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