Best Android tablet app for keeping your contacts organized?


Senior Member
Aug 31, 2011
Hey everyone, I'm currently seeking options for the best Android tablet apps when it comes to storing and organizing contacts. I don't mind if they are free or cost a few bucks, please share any of your personal suggestions. Thanks!
I have found that the best one of all is already part of Android. If you use the Gmail contacts on you PC and see all the great features it has you will love it. Then it instantly syncs to your Android device. You can do it through the tablet by selecting the desktop instead of mobile version. I keep my tablet set to all desktop anyway. The mobile versions are more for the small screen devices like phones.
thanks for the suggestion jgumphress, I really do appreciate it, however at the moment I tend to have contact lists in many different places so it's not just a matter of importing my Google contacts per say. I'm looking for an app where I can manually input all of my contacts and have them all in one location instead of spread around like I have now. For example I do have Google contacts, but also contacts on my home computer, business cards, written down, etc... It's time for me to get more organized in this area so to say and I'm hoping there are other good options available.
Well, you can manually input contacts into the stock Contacts app - just use the "new" button at the top-right corner on the screen. Do you simply not want to use Google for storing your contact list, or something else? Just a few more specifics would be useful.


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For you business cards there is a fantastic app on the Marked called CamCard. You just take a picture of the card with the Android device and the app not only keeps a photo of the card but takes all the info and puts it in you contact list. I can't believe how well it actually gets all the information off the card in the proper fields. There is a free version which works great.
Dont fight the system.

Input or import all your contacts into one place; your google account. Then they will auto sync with any android device you get. Its pretty close to perfect and seamless.