Bluetooth tethering possible?

regnaD kciN

Jan 22, 2011
I notice, from a quick skim of the gTab manual on the mfr's website, that the gTab has Bluetooth. Is it possible to use that to tether it to a 3g phone and use that for a data connection when you're away from WiFi networks, much like you can do with Archos tablets? If this isn't possible with the stock gTab, is it possible with any of the replacement ROMs? Thanks in advance?
It is possible to tether to your phone to use that connection, but this is more dependent on the phone than on the tablet or ROM. I personally use WiFi tether to do this all the time since I cannot connect to the internet from my tablet while at work.
How could you tell your phone would work that way, short of buying the gTablet and trying it out? I've got a Palm Pre.
I believe the palm pre through verizon allows you to have a mobile hotspot

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Well, my Pre is through Sprint, not Verizon, but that's not the point. The setup you're mentioning allows the Pre to get a data connection via 3g and turn itself into a WiFi hotspot, so that any laptop, netbook, etc. can connect to it. What I'm talking about is the possibility of connecting the gTab to my phone via Bluetooth, and using that as a data connection. At least, from my read of the Archos tablet documentation, it's possible to do that with their products and any 3g-capable smartphone -- I'm just trying to tell whether the gTab can do the same.
Again it depends on your phone.. most phones don't natively support data thethering directly between devices via bluetooth. network providers can't charge you for the additional service of tethering/hotspot if you could .. you have to use a third party software accomplish it IF it possible for your device at all...

I.E. on Android devices (my only experience).. you can use apps like "Wireless tether" and i know there are others.. which allow bluetooth tethering. there are caviats though.. wireless tether requires you root your phone... haven't exploerd other options because wireless tether suits my needs...

the greater question is.. why bluetooth tethering specific... it is slower, MUCH SLOWER, than a ported "wireless" connection... it's be better to go that way if your device will support it...

My advice would be to do a search on XDA developers forums or similar user/development forum for your specific device to see what data tethering options you have...

I know it's a pain trodging through all those entries but ya gotta do SOME leg work yourself folks... who knows... you may even learn a litle something about your device you didn't know it was capable of...

I own an archos tablet as well and the "tethering" options they use are a pain in the butt VERY hit and miss between devices... I still can't get them to cvonnect via bluetooth... i have to use wireless tether in infastructure mode on my DroidX to get it to connect...

and if you're considering the Archos over the G-tab my thoughts are you're going in the wrong direction...... the archos' internal mem structure is only formated for 300MB for the system and app storage when it's said and done I can only get a 50-60 apps on it.. and that's putting some on the sd...
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I've been trying to accompolish this tonight with g tablet and Droid 2 Verizon. There is an app that sets up Bluetooth dun dial network but there is client software for your PC. Can't seemto find it for android. I know its out there. I will update when I find it
I've been trying to accompolish this tonight with g tablet and Droid 2 Verizon. There is an app that sets up Bluetooth dun dial network but there is client software for your PC. Can't seemto find it for android. I know its out there. I will update when I find it

Just use the 3g Hotspot hack on the D2. Its the best way to tether.
I use Wireless tether for root on my HTC Magic for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth tethering and it works like a charm for my laptop. I tried to tether my Adam tablet and it would not tether. I think there is something wrong with the software on the Adam as it won't tether to an iPhone either.
I have found that the Nook Color Bluetooth tether widget works on my gtablet and I tested it with my corporate cell phone that I can't root.
On my phone I use PDAnet. It allows bluetooth tethering. Use it with my laptop just fine (laptop wifi is wonky). I use hotspot for the tablet. It's just easier. I will test and let you know.

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Hello! I am hoping you can assist me with pda net for tablets app. I have an Acer iconia a500 and it is running honeycomb 3.2. I have paired it via wifi with my Droid x and it is running android 2.3.3. When I finish all the steps for PDA tablet beta, on my phone it says "A500 connected to phone modem" and the tablet says " PdaNet Configuration Error: Network Proxy is set on your device yet PdaNet is not connected. You need to either Clear Network Proxy (if you are done with PdaNet) or connect PdaNet. Please launch the PdaNet Tablet client and correct this!!" If you could help me get past this step I would be so psyched!

Thank you, Irene

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