Bluetooth USB


Dec 27, 2010
I have a Flytouch 2 (10.2") with USB ports all over it (ok, just two).
I plugged-in a USB Bluetooth dongle I had been fooling around with on my iMac.
The Flytouch "recognized" my Apple Magic Mouse within seconds of turning the tablet and mouse on. This was fun and encouraging so I tried for days to get my Flytouch to "see" other devices through this BT dongle. Fail fail fail.
Today it popped into my head to try something new.
Step by step:
- put the BT dongle in your desktop machine.
- use the Bluetooth stuff on the desktop to pair your keyboard and mouse.
- make sure all the paired devices are "connected".
(note: this took some fiddling around, toggling the power for the internal Bluetooth radio on the iMac and what have you.)
- put the dongle back into your MID pad.
- fool around a little with the power switches on the mouse and keyboard.
If this works for you as it does for me, you will have your Bluetooth keyboard and mouse talking to your Android tablet!
There is no reason I can think of that this approach will not work on a Windows machine as well as on a Mac.

Why did I bother to tell the Interwebz about my Earth shattering "discovery"?
I want my Earthmate to "talk" to the GPS enabled applications in Android and so far, all the Bluetooth GPS Toggles, Gadgets, and crap in the Android Market make the assumption that your Bluetooth radio is internal to your tablet/phone and none are "aware" of Bluetooth attached by USB. Why the heck didn't this Flytouch come with a BT radio installed?

Quite simply to save money. The cost of putting on the BT Chip on the circuitboard, add BT support in the firmware all add up. These units, especially as inexpensive as yours is. (Sorry, comparing to units WITH BT) just cut corners and increase the profit. and there is not a lot of profit on the low end units. On the other side of the coin. You should see the profit for each IPad


What you have done is completed the pairing in the Bluetooth circuitry. This is not much different than how these Wireless Mice or Keyboards work. They are pre-paired. This will not work in all instances though. No PAN or DUN capability. Just HID connectivity as the Keyboard and Mice drivers were already integrated with the USB port.
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I've got a FlyTouch II in the post which I can't wait to get! The one thing that would complete it is if I could add a bluetooth connection to it... I've noticed that there are a load of "micro" usb bluetooth adapters around on the bay. Has anybody had any luck (or even tried) to use one of these? The big selling point for a micro adapter on the flytouch is that it could be left in permanently but still leave a full size USB port avaliable!

Would be awesome to hear from anybody about this - even if they just tell me that I'm being silly!


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This Forum is really "slow". My post was sorta designed to encourage a dialogue about the USB ports on the Flytouch. By "closing" the thought-thread the way you did, there's really no reason to further discuss the USB support (or lack of) on these devices. The 'it's this way and that's the way of it' feeling I got from your reply was depressing... ok, not depressing but kinda defeated my momentum with messing on the subject. :) I hope other people like myself who are stuck in the bottom tier of Android tablet ownership can still move forward and perhaps some day we will have real USB ports, useful for other than sharing our stolen movies and pretending like we have real computers. :) Ikearat p.s. What do I have to do to get quote marks to look correct? Figured out the quote marks, now I need to figure out how to properly break a paragraph.
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I have a Motorola bluetooth dongle and plugged it into a USB port on my SuperPAD (Flytouch 2) and it powered up too. I don't anything to test it with, but was pleased to see it was recognized. I will test further.
Bluetooth does NOT work with this device. I've tried it with numerous transmitters. There simply aren't the drivers atm at this current time.

I have a Flytouch3/Superpad2 and use a Rocketfish Bluetooth dongle for my wireless mouse, same vendor and it worked the first time with no updates. I also tried a SuperMax wired mouse from my old Laptop and that also works in the USB slot.
Some BT devices are "pre-paired" so that they will recognize each other on different platforms. This is what you are seeing on the bluetooth keyboard.
hi i also asked this question about bluetooth a while ago and due to negative responses gave up, theres an old real world saying that applies really well to forums and the so called professionals that live on them, "if you have nothing good to say, say nothing" apologies to the good helpful people but all forums these days seem to be full of "armchair professionals" who know everything but know nothing and just make negative comments as they have nothing better to do

there is no good reason i can think not to include bluetooth in even the cheapest £40 mid i can buy a complete mini bluetooth dongle, in plastic casing, retail packaged with a cd in poundland so the basic circuitry cant cost even 50p or about 75 cents usa