Boot loop problem after rooting


Dec 24, 2011
I have recently tried to root my Kryos MID7012-4G with SuperOneClick 2.2. After I successfully completed the process on my computer the tablet restarted as it should. But when it tried to reboot it can't do it. It reruns the Android loading screen.

What should I do to fix it, wait longer to see what it does, or I just screwed it up.

Thanks for your help.
I have recently tried to root my Kryos MID7012-4G with SuperOneClick 2.2. After I successfully completed the process on my computer the tablet restarted as it should. But when it tried to reboot it can't do it. It reruns the Android loading screen.

What should I do to fix it, wait longer to see what it does, or I just screwed it up.

Thanks for your help.

I had the same problem with mine when I first rooted it. Stuck on the Android screen and just kept looping. I hit the little Reset in the back, let it reboot, had to re-root again and all was well

Good luck!
I've done that about 16 times, same results.

I had it rooted, I am selling it to a friend so did a factory reset, and now it just boots to the android loading screen. I have wiped the cache and did a bunch more factory resets. it boots to the android screen, and I can't turn it off. all I can do is hit the reset button in the back, and it boots back into the android logo, loops forever.

Any advice on how to get this thing back to factory home screen?
I'm thinking that if I can find a copy of the stock rom I can use the "update from SD card" option...what do you guys think about that? and any idea where to find a copy of the 7012 image?
Hi I have a Kyros MID7012 with the same problem , except all i get is the android screen. when i tried the factory reset it didn't do anything still stuck on android screen. Now when I try reset button it only goes to fastboot screen and I have nothing to install with fastboot. Any recovery image available? It was in usb debug mode before it crashed. It crashed because i uninstalled something that should not have been uninstalled. Anyone have any idea what to do with this besides using it for a paperweight?
Well your gona have to reset the system more likely or if you cant do that then you jacked it up so tip to people don't root your devices its very riskful that's what happens.

Newbie here. I have an Ematics egs114 tablet that will not boot. Does anyone happen to have the rom file?
