Brand new tablet user..


Sep 1, 2011
Hi all,
As title says,new to playing with tablets and when looking to buy got totally lost with the vast choice out there.
Decided to play safe and bought a "unwanted present" lol which was very cheap.. from what I have read it is a very basic toy but hopefully good enough to get upto speed before paying out for a decent one.
It is a mini tablet EX900 that has ver 1.9 so I would like to find a more upto date version of android and learn how to install it ect. This tablet works fine so far but seems a little slow when surfing ect, and have been told a newer version will speed it up a little. Tbh I just want to play around and learn how to install/update ect and generally learn a little.
Anyhow bored you enough so better go and start reading up.. so big hello to all members.

Regards Ian.
Welcome to the forum Ian, hopefully you will find everything you need!

Glad to have you here
Hi Ian, welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here.