Bricked Galaxy Tab 3


Dec 10, 2013
I recently tried to root my Galaxy Tab 3, thereby bricking it. I downloaded the proper USB Drivers, the Tab 3 root package (prerooted.tar.md5) and also downloaded Odin. I followed all of the steps as instructed and got the FAIL message when flashed.
The status bar on the Tab got to about 1/3 of the way then everything stopped and it froze giving me this message " Firmware has encountered an issue. Please use recovery mode using Kies and try again" So I installed Kies on my PC and I had the Tab connected to the PC, but then it comes up and says "Connecting" and it just keeps running and running then after about 5min. it says not responding. This is where I am now. I've tried getting the Tab in download mode manually but to no avail. I went thru the flash procedure again and still it failed. I'm diffinetly stuck in the mud. I recently rooted my Note 2 and went thru the same steps and had no problem at all. HELP PLEASE!
Oh and one other thing I forgot to mention. When I go to these different websites to download whatever it is I need, I get all this other crap that downloads. Stuff like Zip7, (I already have Winzip) I also get different type of installers, registry cleaners, all sorts of garbage. It will not take me directly to the download site of what I need to download. Then I have all this crap on my PC that starts to slow it down or says internet explorer not responding and all sorts of error messages.

I also did the prerooted.tar.md5, it was rooted, yet the screen is flickering, I tried to update T210RUEAMG4, still flickering, in addition, the root was removed,
Have you found any solution to your bricked device? Response would be much appreciated...tnx
Same problem here!I've probably tried everything.Went back to stock firmware.Tried Kidzrom and what not! Still the flickering is there.I'm assuming its a hardware issue now.Anyone with any kind of solution?? Thanks!!
First, What type of GT do you have Gt 3 10.1 wifi ? if this the one then go to [HOW-TO] Unbrick Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 - xda-developers and read!! If you do not have the "Galaxy Tab 3 10.1" then look around the "xda" forum site and also Google and you should come up with something. But if you have the GT 3 10.1 tablet then this will fix your tab, I know because I have bricked mine about 6 times already....

Good luck!!!
Good advice with xda...Also....look around XDA and find the pit file for it also and look at for the original firmware...Load it with Heimdall...Not Odin...That will fix the screen flicker and odd events you may be seeing with the tablet...