BRICKED MID9742 - Any way to bring it back?


Jan 7, 2013
I read the warning too late, and started uploading a custom FW for the Coby Kyros MID9742, using the buggy LiveSuite.
FW seemed to upload alright, but finished with an exclamation mark, boots up to "Android" and then goes dark. Tried to reflash, from different computers, all to no avail.

Is there anything I can try to bring it back to life?
Exchange your tablet at the place you bought it from, and when you get the new one, do not use that POS software.
Gosh, is that really all I can do? I feel a bit bad about it, as it's my own fault, so if there'd be anything else I could try, I would like to....
You played with LiveSuite,
and you got burned.
You consider this,
a lesson learned.

In all seriousness, LiveSuite completely reformats and rewrites the entire internal memory space. If one thing goes wrong, and it inevitably will since LiveSuite is not built with our tablets in mind, you're screwed. There's no way to fix it because there's no way to communicate with the tablet.
Search the forum. Your issue has already been discussed, along with possible solutions. Where did you get a LiveSuite ROM from? I thought I purged this forum of all links to them.
I installed Steev's 9742 ROM using LiveSuite. My tablet does work but the screen is inverted. Now since I am able to communicate with the tablet from my PC is there anyway to put a recovery or stock image back on the tablet? I know the previous gentleman bricked his and cannot communicate so you suggested returning it but since I am not having the same problem I thought maybe there was a procedure. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Not really. He did have a restore image which reversed the changes, but using it won't help since the video hardware on your unit is different. Worse, if you attempt to install the ClockworkMod recovery available for the tablet you stand a very good chance of bricking the tablet. ADB and LiveSuite don't like each other.

This is why I tell people that once you use LiveSuite, you're pretty much stuck with it. But if you want to risk it you can try installing CWM and going from there. Another option would be to try replacing the vendor directory from one of the dumps and copying it to the appropriate spot in the internal memory.
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