Browse SMB Network Shares?


Jan 1, 2011
What applications do you folks use to browse SMB/Windows shares wirelessly from the tablet?

Ive tried Astro File Manager and its SMB add on. But it never see's the file server. After reading a few online forums, ive made some corrections, but all I get are login/password pop up errors.

Also tried ES File Explorer and while I can see the shares, cant load anything as it refuses to accept the login/password.

Its not like im typing in the passwords wrong as an RDP client on the Android works fine, same login/password and other devices on the network (WDTV Live, MacBook, WinXP, etc) also work fine.
I use ES File Explorer, but you're correct that it won't authenticate for password protected shares. Which is why I set my SMB shares (from Windows, Mac, and Linux machines) to not require a password. My home network is secured and I set read-only access to my shared folders so I'm not too worried about unauthorized access.
I use ES File Explorer, but you're correct that it won't authenticate for password protected shares. Which is why I set my SMB shares (from Windows, Mac, and Linux machines) to not require a password. My home network is secured and I set read-only access to my shared folders so I'm not too worried about unauthorized access.

I cant really do that, WiFi is enabled, using WPA-PSK. But I live in an 32 unit apartment and have had my network hacked into previously using WEP. With 9 TB worth of data on my network, I have to assign passwords to everything.
I'm going to retract my prior statement about my tablet not authenticating.

I don't connect to my shared folders very often from my tablet so I hadn't checked in a while, but I had updated my ES File Explorer (I think it's version 1.4.8 something). I gave it a try again today, setting my shared folders on both my Linux media center and my Windows 7 machines to require passwords and it actually works now! My tablet asks me for the username/password for the shared folder access, I enter it, and I'm in - it shows my list of files and folders.