BT HomeHub2 connection


Jul 31, 2012
Hi all,

I am completely new to Android and tablet pc but since getting my momo9 2 weeks ago since day one i haven't been able to connect to my BT Homehub2 not in the way my Chromebook and Samsung galaxy ace and HP wifi printer has done with ease, they recognised the hub immediately and connected no problem, but my Momo9 just won't have no go, i have to connect as if i am out and about through wifi openzone or wifi with fon, when i go to connect with the hub it has

Authentication problem

at the side it has the signal strength and the closed lock

I am at a complete loss as what to do to connect in the normal way as my other devices have done any help would be appreciated thanks in advance. DG
99.9 percent of Authentication problems are down to using the wrong pass key to the hub. Make sure you are using the correct upper and lower case lettering for your key. I have a Momo9 and BT home hub 2 and there are no issues with connection.
Thank you CombatGerbil. Your reply did the trick how I managed to miss doing that I don't know had only been putting in the Admin password so now everything is working fine, once again thanks just one more thing which browser would you recommend to use.

Regards Dave
No problem Dave, glad to have been of some help. These Momo Tablets in general are pretty decent for the money. Been using mine regularly for a few weeks now, also makes a fine E-reader. I use the Kobo app for that.
The browser I use is Dolphin, it's much better than the built in one, quicker and once you get used to it pretty user friendly. It's also free.