Bug with encrypting tablet

Jak Crow

May 2, 2011
I did the "Encrypt tablet" option which went thru and seemed to work without a problem, but every time I restart the tablet, I get a dialog box that says:

All pre-installed processes complete!

After hitting OK, there's a password to unlock the tablet, then when the OS has booted, there's the password for accessing the OS. When entering the OS, the time is set incorrectly every time. The time settings always default to U.S. Mountain Time when I'm in Pacific.

Anyone else seeing this or something similar? I haven't tried calling Acer about this yet. Not sure it will make a difference.
I have the exact same issue after encrypting.... no sign of a fix yet.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Well I have had my tablet for just a week and have encrypted it and have no problem with the time being incorrect.
I was motivated to join so I could share my experience with encrypting the A500 w/3.01.
I had the very same experience as the original poster!
So let me break down the issues;
1. The Apkinstaller message pops up, and usually while your trying to enter the pin.
2. By default the keyboard pops up, and not the ten key? It just seems logical to pop up the ten key to speed up the process, instead you have to hunt for the num-lock key.
3. Booting takes two minutes!!! Basically doubling your boot time.
4. It causes the clock to revert to GMT, even if you set the manual clock settings. It also kicks the day up one.
5. You have to log in twice?
Guys it's not worth it till they get this sorted out and at that two minutes to boot? My windows machine boots faster!
I would suggest using an encrypted folder app or something.
Right on target with all points! I'm dealing with the anoyances for now and hoping for a patch... Realistically I'll probably be doing a factory reset in the near future.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
so what do you have in date and time settings?

Is your time zone set correctly? Is your network router set up to be a time server, and it its timezone correct?
I personally have a Windows Domain which controls dhcp, dns, time, etc... My router is setup to be a basic gateway/nat/secure wireless access and nothing more. The point is everything synced 100% before the encryption process. Something in the code is screwing up the time, and I don't think it's anything to do with net-time sync'ing. Remember I tried setting the time manualy, and after a reboot it zeros out again.
BTW: I did a factory reset not long after diving into this nightmare. It took forever to get all my apps settled back in to they're orginal state.
It might be worth trying to encrypt right after a factory reset? You can count me though - already installed all my apps.
so what do you have in date and time settings?

Is your time zone set correctly? Is your network router set up to be a time server, and it its timezone correct?

The issue is that it doesn't save the time zone setting, I set it but it goes back to GMT after a reboot. This did not happen before encrypting the tablet. I mostly connect using Verizon Mifi which does not have NTP but the issue is the same regardless of the router I connect to even at my office where I do run an NTP server.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
..... It might be worth trying to encrypt right after a factory reset? You can count me though - already installed all my apps.

I am going to wait work the 3.1 update first, if that doesn't fix it I will do a factory reset and encrypt again.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Smart move!

This might be a little late since 3.1 is being rolled out. Please just pop up the 10 key, and forgo having to hit enter (at least give options)! Kuffs password safe app has it right!
Why pop up a full qwerty when only a numatic pin is needed? That makes about as much since as braille on drive through ATM's!
I was motivated to join so I could share my experience with encrypting the A500 w/3.01.
I had the very same experience as the original poster!
So let me break down the issues;
1. The Apkinstaller message pops up, and usually while your trying to enter the pin.
2. By default the keyboard pops up, and not the ten key? It just seems logical to pop up the ten key to speed up the process, instead you have to hunt for the num-lock key.
3. Booting takes two minutes!!! Basically doubling your boot time.
4. It causes the clock to revert to GMT, even if you set the manual clock settings. It also kicks the day up one.
5. You have to log in twice?
Guys it's not worth it till they get this sorted out and at that two minutes to boot? My windows machine boots faster!
I would suggest using an encrypted folder app or something.

Just got the 3.1 update and it did help.
1. No more apkinstaller message
2. - still get the full keyboard first.
3. Booting is faster, less than a minute
4. Clock settings fixed
5. - still have to login twice

I can live with the double login, one is for the encryption and not a big deal to me.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Hi, all whats the once over about using encryption then, do you know if by doing so it stops network users in the same workgroup from looking all round my droid?