Extra Encryption Password Entry Required At Start Up


Jan 12, 2012
I recently encrypted my Acer Iconia A500. This added an additional password/PIN screen at start-up. I am now required to enter the same password/PIN twice. Once at start-up, then again at the lock screen. The problem is that the password/PIN is the same for both screens. I'd like to know if there is a way to create a separate password/PIN for each screen.
I've tried entering a new password/PIN for the lock screen, but that changes the encryption screen password/PIN as well. I can't find an option to change the encryption screen.

I'm running Android 3.2.1

Here's a pic of the encryption screen, which appears immediately after powering up the tablet.

Once I enter the password/PIN, the lock screen appears. (see below)

In a perfect world, I could set each with a different password/PIN.

Anyone have any ideas? :confused:
This is also how the Full Device encryption works on the ASUS Transformer TF101. It is also 3.2.1. I attempted the same task as you did, create separate PINs for unlock and Boot. They seem to use the same credential store on 3.2.1. I am hoping ICS will offer separate ops. Three questions for you.
1. How long did it take? My 32Gb took about 40 Min and it is fairly full.
2. Did yours encrypt the removable storage? Mine did not. So SD and MicroSD are unencrypted. Only core device is encrypted
3. Have you noticed any performance hit? I have on some processes, but not all. Not horrible. But noticible

I like the extra (perceived?) security of entering two passwords. The fact that it's also occurring on your ASUS Transformer tells me it's an OS thing.

Here are the answers to your questions. Hope they help.

1. How long did it take?
I decided to encrypt my 32G ACER within the first week. So it only took about 20 minutes to encrypt a little over 1G that I had used. (Instructions said to expect up to an hour.)

2. Did yours encrypt the removable storage?
No. My removable Micro SD was not encrypted.

3. Have you noticed any performance hit?
The only interruption that annoys me is the 75sec. wait between the encryption password/PIN screen and the lock screen. I just timed it for this reply. A minute and 15 seconds doesn't sound long, unless you're waiting to enter another password.

As you suggested, maybe the ICS upgrade will allow two different passwords.
Thanks for replying. If you ever figure it out, let me know. I'll do the same.