Bugs and virus for android is there any firewall?


May 21, 2012
I have a pc tablet with android 4.0 and since last month i have some problems with the sistem...different kind of bugs i guess.... it stops and tuns on itself ... music stops and playes alone...i think it's a virus but i don't really know if there are viruses for android... if there are...is there any firewall any antivirus witch can protect my tablet.... if there is... from where can i get him? I bought this tablet online from a website, you think that if i call back at eurodualsim, the online store they know? I will really appreciate your help :) Thank you
Lookout is one of the first apps I install on any device. So i'd recommend that one too.
Also installing apps and games from unknown sources and ignoring the permissions is a good way to get something bad on your android. Always check your permissions before installing!