build.prop for 9740


May 12, 2013
Received my 9740 last week. Took a slight tweak to 9742 process, but I now have root, cwm and gapps.
My next task is fixing the compatibility error of some play store apps.
After reading through many of the threads, I have found that the build.prop is the primary reason for this and it may require other files be installed as well.

As I have seen several different build.props used, what is the best one to use in order to allow app installation?
With the wrong info in a build.prop can I damage the tablet or will it just result in a FC for a truly incompatible installed app?
If more files do need to be installed, which files and what are they for?

Thanks in advance
The 9740 is about the same as the 9742, Traveller1701 has made a tweak package for the 9742 that includes his modified build.prop. You can use it just remove the 180 screen rotation from the build.prop. main difference between 9740 and 9742 is screen. The 9742 is installed upside down so build.prop has to rotate the screen 180.
I've pulled and looked at the build.prop from travelers image. It is set out somewhat different than the one from my 9740; however, it appears to be a galaxy S2. In another post, traveler suggests the lenovo S2109.
Other than the generic "Its not meant for your device" what are my biggest concerns using 1) a different build.prop, 2) one from a phone not a tablet?
Thanks again.
I've pulled and looked at the build.prop from travelers image. It is set out somewhat different than the one from my 9740; however, it appears to be a galaxy S2. In another post, traveler suggests the lenovo S2109.
Other than the generic "Its not meant for your device" what are my biggest concerns using 1) a different build.prop, 2) one from a phone not a tablet?Thanks again.

There really is no concern, build.prop doesn't do much it's main purpose is to identify the device and help with boot process. So just making identity changes doesn't effect the tablet just fools places like playstore.

I use cm9 build.prop myself, I also run cm9 on my 9740 the build.prop is different than stock 9740, I also agree with Traveller1701 I own and use lenovo a2109 it's the best tablet I have owned.
Last edited:
ro.product.device/model/name changed to GT-19100
ro.product.brand/manufacturer changed to samsung

all added to

Google Play and Amazon app stores still have the same incompatible apps
Have not tested all, a few examples:

PacMan, Screeble
Maps, United
Evernote, Chrome and Jorte now work

Any thoughts on what might be a better device to emulate?
Any assistance is appreciated.
Thanks again.
The build.prop I used was from vampirefo's Mobiz ROM for the 9742. Thus the Mobiz ROM also reports itself as a Galaxy SII. The reason a Galaxy SII was used is because it was the device which in testing from other sites had the most apps available for it. Realistically, all you should have had to do was remove ro.sf.hwrotation=180 to get the build.prop to work on the 9740.

Editing a build.prop and changing device model/name and manufacturer isn't enough to make the build.prop display more apps. The device's fingerprint must be changed as well. When I was editing the Coby build.prop to try and make my own, changing the device model, name, and manufacturer allowed me to download many more apps, but I still had apps showing as not compatible. The Mobiz ROM build.prop essentially had the same information I was shooting for, so I pulled it from the ROM and started using it once I added in some tweaks at the bottom.

The build.prop is only half of the equation here. The permissions files are the other half, which is why I include a full set in the package, even though the tablet has many of them already. With the combination of the two I can download every app you mention, without difficulty.
Thanks guys for the help. I have another question, I was able to "unlock" most apps.
DreamFish, the updated app for TapFish seems to be wonky, it is compatible with my 7042, DX, Atrix HD, 9740 w/ original build.prop but not my 9740 listed as a S2.
Also, I can install chrome but it FCs every time.
MY question is, you mentioned chrome comes up on yours, do you use it? Any ideas why I may always get an FC?
Thanks again.
I use chrome on all my tablets.

Sent from my CM9 Coby 9740 using Android Tablet