Buying new tablet

Sep 26, 2011
Hi guys...
I'm from Brazil. Many people don't know, but here such electronics are way too expensive due the high taxes imposed by the government.

I wanna buy a tablet mostly to help me on my graduation. Some coleagues that have their iPads and Androids take them to the class and make the annotations using an writing recognition app, which there're lots of. I'm a very unorganized person when it comes to paper leaves... I HATE THEM...

Unfortunately, as I said, tablets are very expensive here in my contry. For example, an Ipad costs 1,999 BRL (Brazilian Real), which is equivalent to almost US$ 900. The Samsung Galaxy Tab costs 1,700 BRL, far away over than a undergraduated student can affort.

Alternativelly, we can buy some "chinese generic" tab, which costs 1/10 of the price. Did someone here have ever bought a Eyo/Eysis/Wei-branded tab?

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Darn.. but sorry I only have experience with Acer. But is it possible for you to purchase it elsewhere? Or have family purchase it elsewhere?

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
No, I don't have close relatives or friends living out coming to Brazil soon. I know these tablet aren't that good, they costs from 149 BRL to 200 BRL, instead of 2000 I'd spend on an iPad, but doing some research, many people said they're trash... =/
First of all welcome to the forum! If what you mainly need your tablet for is taking notes and basic tasks for class perhaps all you need is a cheaper 7-inch model tablet. I know FoFoJoe already suggested perhaps buying it elsewhere, and since you don't have family overseas to buy one up for you and send it, have you considered perhaps checking out eBay listings? Mind you, not to knock eBay or anything but..., you also have to be careful making purchases on there too on top of paying close attention to shipping prices (which can be high in some cases depending on your location).

I wouldn't advise for or against those tablets you mentioned, frankly I've never even heard of those particular models, but I will say this; at the end of the day you get what you pay for and you're likely better off buying at least a mid-level tablet instead of super low end ones like that which I'm assuming are made from dirt cheap materials and probably have no warranty.

Even if you do get a mid-level tablet and storage space is an issue, there are always free cloud based storage services you can use to store and access your homework, notes & other assignments.
DarrylB, yeeeah... I think you're right... The cheapest can turn into the most expensive... I'll what I'm gonna do... Thank's guys...
DarrylB does have the right idea here - when you buy a tablet, you definitely get what you pay for. Its not just about reliability, but you don't get nearly the usability out of the cheaper tablets as the quality ones. Bad touchscreens, cheap build-quality, poor speakers, and a laggy interface are common with these cheap tablets and can really affect your tablet experience.

The Acer Iconia A100 is a good choice, with great hardware - or a rooted Nook Color. They're both quality choices. And you should probably be able to find them pretty cheap somewhere online.

Trust me, if you pay for a quality tablet I doubt you'll regret it nearly a much as a cheap one (that is, if you have any regrets at all (which we hope you don't ;))).

Also, welcome to the forum!

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Thank's by the welcomes ^^/... I think I should wait untill I can affort a decent one... Meanwhile, I'll stay with pens and papers =/
Thank's by the welcomes ^^/... I think I should wait untill I can affort a decent one... Meanwhile, I'll stay with pens and papers =/
Yup, i also agree with DarrylB. good point, you'd better at least to buy a mid-level tablet instead of super low end ones, So you need to choose a good tablet with better CPU, and newer android OS, of course, a better capacitive touch screen would be needed! seems that the price of some branded tablet PC in your country are really expensive! but i think some Chinese tablet PC with good CPU like samsung S5PV210, and dual core A9 are also worthwhile. And you know, most of new tablet PC were at least run with android 2.3 OS.
Thus, you can easily to find an android 2.3 OS tablet PC with good CPU with around $200 in the market.
PS, there's a large sales promotion in our site. Lots of android 2.3 Tablet PC were on sale for up to 20% OFF,welcome to have a look.:)
Welcome to the forum Rick, glad you decided to join us.