Campaign Viewsonic for better support.


Aug 13, 2011
Greeting fellow gTablet owners.

After reading the the 12 pages over in Viewsonic's Facebook Discussion section on the gTablet support, I came away with the idea that what we need is a single united voice to get Viewsonic attention.

While many has already blog, tweet and post in forums to show how unhappy they are with the way Viewsonic has treated the gTablet, a single united campaign will hopefully get the attention of online (and maybe offline) media. This would lead to positive PR for the gTablet hardware and negative PR for the company. Hopefully, it will show them the true popularity of the device and get them to reconsider abandoning it for something newer.

I've created a Facebook page to get us started.

Viewsonic gTablet Owners Unite | Facebook

I welcome any input, help, advise, suggestion etc..
I'm back again with some updates:

We past the 100 members mark last weekend. Since then, we have gained another 30 members. The momentum is going well.

Our recent poll result show that our members came to us via forums, Facebook, Twitter. One member tip us off that he found us while Googling for "Has Viewsonic abandon the gTablet". The Viewsonic Facebook Discussion page also show up at the top of page 2 if you search for "support for gtablet". So all the effort of people posting those 400+ comment were worth it. We still need as many link back to as possible to help increase the Google page rank.

If you have a moment and wanted to be amuse, hope over to Viewsonic Official Facebook page and read the hilarious comments left by disgruntle gTablet owners.