Can anyone help?

None of those tablets can run flash...and none of those actually have good porformance for games. they are slow and run an outdated version of Android. The only tablet that can run flash is the Wits A81E. You can find a small comparison between a few android tablets at the link in my signature. hope you find something that fits your needs...but like I said...flash can be played only by the wits tablet (at this moment)
Hi Thanks for your reply,, The last one states that it comes preloaded with flash 10.1 is this not correct then?
Most certantly that is not correct. Flash 10.1 need Android 2.2 and some special hardware dependencies (like Cortex A8 CPU).
Yes, I noticed this supplier in the paper (full page add) and it looked to good to be true. Have emailed them to aks about the flash claim but no reply as of yet. I think Android 2.2 tablets can only play flash at the moment.

I would suggest the WITS A81-E or the X5A (G11).
Thanks for your replies,, I have also now emailed them and will await their reply. My daughter has now decided she will do without flash and will just play android games but I still don't know what to get. I am in the U.K. so its difficult to find much and I don't want her to waste her money on something that doesn't work!