Can RKAndroidTool Swap CWM Recovery Versions Like This?


Dec 9, 2013
hi all,I have a Craig Tablet w/ RK2918 chip which came with Android ICS 4.0.3 and I dont know why but my posts here do not format correctly and leave out the breaks for paragraphs and since this is slightly long I will use more than one post for it. (I hope that is OK) I've found only one tutorial to add a CWM recovery, it is here: which has a custom CWM "CWM-based Recovery modified by v6.0.3.1"

in this tutorial you download a generic recovery .zip file and rename it to "" then place it on external SDcard and upon reboot it installs but the problem is that the backup that is made upon restoring it, ends up in a frozen boot logo screen so it doesn't work but that is not a problem I am trying to solve, that is just where Ive started on this Android path for reference.

since I could not get this CWM recovery working the only other option I could find for a CWM recovery was included in an upgrade to JellyBean in a tutorial located here: and this is where I first found and used the RKAndroidTool and also another custom made CWM "Oma CWM for Genio - v5.5.0.4"

I followed this tutorial and the custom CWM included in it works but now I am trying to figure out how I can install this CWM onto the tablet without the jellybean upgrade so that I can have backup of the factory installed OS (ICS 4.0.3) so that if/when I run into some kind of problem or issue with this custom JellyBean version I can then restore to the factory ICS image for testing the same problem or issue with ICS.

the instructions to restore a factory image (ICS) on the second page of the second link in post #17 using wendel's tool to unpack the OEM image and then using RKAndroidTool to flash those extracted images. what I need to know is how can use the RKAndroidTool to install the 2nd custom CWM recovery.img into the OEM image? it may be as simple as only replacing the recovery.img in the factory image set with the recovery.img from the JB upgrade tutorial but since each of these are seemingly for different versions of android (ICS/JB) I dont know..

I guess I could just try it but I would also like to ask where to learn more about working with these images (boot, system, kernel, recovery, etc.) so that I can make my own custom versions from the OEM image and know exactly what went into them so if anyone can help with that also that would be great! Im pretty sure whatever I do with this tablet it will involve the RKAndroidTool so that is why I ask here and hoping others more familiar with this tool can point me in the right direction.thanks
No biggie, but it's easier to read through this way.:rolleyes:
hey Spider, really appreciate that! I was thinking that making this thread was a mistake.. Ive only had this problem with paragraph breaks in one other forum. Im not sure what causes it. anyway FWIW I did swap only recovery.img and it only partially worked. the other CVM is there now but the issue with restoring is still there so I cant restore. I think I may need to start two different threads now though. one for RKAndroidTool and the other for CWM but I'll search around more first. this is all new to me hence the confusion. please forgive. thanks
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Spider, on second thought (refer to edit in previous post) would you consider to move this thread to the Craig tablets sub-forum? when I initially posted I figured that other RK2918 device users may be able to help with this but with the CWM and CMP741D stuff added in it will probably just get over looked I think now and a new thread specifically for RKAndroidTool itself in this section should be more fruitful. Ive searched and cant find one but I have found many other specific device threads with very good RLAndroidTool info.