Can we add Outlook

Not outlook, but there are other apps that work with Exchange servers. Take a look at Touchdown from
I was wondering if there is a way to load outlook onto an android operating system?

Not until Microsoft creates an Android Client. What is possible though is for business connections is either
a, access Exchange through EAS (Exchange Active Sync) You then apply the mail and calendar items to an Android mail and calendar program
b, access to the Outlook Web Access (OWA) a business might stand up

Otherwise nope. Sorry
It does not appear to me that Touchdown or Outlookreflex allow me to actually use an Android tablet as my main mail client, but rather would supplement my laptop. I really want to be able to use a tablet as my main e-mail tool and take that functionality off my laptop entirely. In fact, the only reason I want a tablet is for e-mail and web browsing. Right now, I'm using a full-blown version of Outlook on my laptop to connect to my ISP's Exchange Server. That means all my mail is currently in .pst files. I have several, to the tune of about 4GB, and do not want to lose all the historical data. So, if and when I switch to a tablet, it will have to be capable of importing .pst files - with all my e-mails in their current folders. That, to me, is more important that contacts, calendar, etc. I can recreate that through other means. So, if anyone knows how to do that, I'd really be interested in that. Otherwise, I'll have to wait for the tablets running Windows Mobile 8.