Can you convince me in buying a Motorola Xoom?


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Staff member
Nov 26, 2010
Let's play a little game... all you Xoom and non-Xoom owners. Although this is actually a "real" example, as I am on the fence about purchasing the 3G/4G Motorola Xoom from Verizon.


  1. The 4G access will be nice
  2. I can put this on an 12 month interest free credit card - $54/mo pay off
  3. or.. I can get the WIFI only and pay $36/mo on a 0% cc for 18 months
  4. All the other features...

The downside to this is there are quite a lot of great tablets on the market for less. I do want:

  • Multi-Touch Capacitive screen
  • dual-core 1Ghz w/ 1GB RAM
  • Android 3.0

Are you able to convince me in purchasing a Motorola Xoom, or will you make me change my mind and get something else? ;)
I just don't see it my friend. Go with the gTab instead. Other than the 1 Gb RAM I have everything on your list. I have the Verizon Thunderbolt, so I basically have 4G, a capacitive screen, a dual core, 1 Ghz...not 3.0...but wait for it...the new benchmarks are showing the UI overhead is actually causing lower performance than devices running Gingerbread or Froyo. Check out this thread:, the ViewSonic gTab scored higher than the Xoom.

so.....make your own decision, but it is like $300 less. And the issue of the viewing works fine when I look at it, it is really for people that want to look over your shoulder, etc., and for me that is not such a big deal.
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The downside of the gTab for me is the lack of GPS and 3G/4G capability. I'm giving up my $90/mo phone for a $10/mo trackphone... so I won't have tether abilities.
oooh....well then I think you may be stuck. I admit, without the BT tether for my GPS and the Wifi hotspot for connectivity it would be a totally different story.
The downside of the gTab for me is the lack of GPS and 3G/4G capability. I'm giving up my $90/mo phone for a $10/mo trackphone... so I won't have tether abilities.

Feverhost, since you have internet, buy a magicjack, I did 2 yrs.
Ago, no problems at all for $20.00 for 12 months, mac or windows.
What about the resolution? That should almost be enough to make you want it. The res is much higher than ipads and any other device, makes Gtabs look hiteous. 3d capabilities are where its gonna be at very very soon and the XOOM will be there with it. Camera is much much better than other tabs, ipad uses a VGA camera...similar to the one that was on your RAZR 10 years ago ha. Motorola always produces software faster also. IMO Xoom is the way to go, more RAM more memory all way around. It does cost more but its justified by the specs on it. XOOM XOOM!
So far i'm 70% convinced on getting the Xoom. I already ported my # to my Google Voice Account. So i'll be saving $80/mo... decisions, decisions ;)
I cant wait for this, i was holding out for the LG slate but decided not to due to LG being slwo on upgrades unlike Motorola.
BTW.... I did purchase the Xoom today. I've had it for about an hour. Expect a full video review, as well as pictures and long text coming in the next few days ;)
I joined the xoom wifi crowd. I was wanting to try an ipad2 but they are impossible to get. So, I went to costco today and the xoom wifi is $589.00 with a gel case as a bonus. (This was the internet only pre-order deal). But they are offering the same deal in store starting today. Also they have a 90 day return policy with no restocking fee. So If the asus transformer comes out I can return the xoom and try that! or the ipad2 when they sort out their supply problems. I'm just gonna have fun with it!:p
Cool!!! :)

Sent from my Xoom using Android Tablet Forum App
Nope. In fact I am considering taking mine back.
Its nice but not mind blowing, and for 600 bucks I think it should be. Costs twice as much as my netbook and isnt as powerful. Android is for smartphones, and I dont need a tablet. Its just a toy nothing more. It will never replace anything else and it costs too much to be a plaything.
If you have money to burn you should get one, but otherwise avoid it. Poor people like me need one computer for real work and one smartphone for walking around.
OK, its back at Staples. They gave me a full refund no questions asked.

It was a nice experiment. And if the XOOM only cost between 300 and 400, it would be a good little toy.
Maybe I will go with the Tab instead. Smaller and easier to carry, and it looks like it does everything I need anyway. Also still eying the Streak, though its awfully expensive considering I dont want the phone capability. And they took forever to put 2.2 on it, and its not powerful enough for 2.3.
Maybe when theres a next gen 5 inch Streak I will get it.