Cannot Mount Inner SD Card on MID 9742

Ok just flash this via cwm recovery. it will fix touch screen.

how to use correctly,

factory reset


then flash

then reboot.
Your tablet vold.fstab is most likely different, compare yours to the two roms you tried, and see what the difference is.

Right, I got round to doing that. There is indeed a difference which explains why it the internal SD card was not mounted: the Mobiz ROM mounts nandi and mine nandk. Now, obviously I should have looked at that before trying your new ROM. It seems that I am not able to make this simple one-character change and get a zip file that works: when I try to boot up after installing the new zip file with cwm the boot is stuck on the android logo. What's the trick?
Right, I got round to doing that. There is indeed a difference which explains why it the internal SD card was not mounted: the Mobiz ROM mounts nandi and mine nandk. Now, obviously I should have looked at that before trying your new ROM. It seems that I am not able to make this simple one-character change and get a zip file that works: when I try to boot up after installing the new zip file with cwm the boot is stuck on the android logo. What's the trick?

I don't understand your question.
I don't understand your question.
My question was that every time I tried to rebuild a zip file with my modified vold.fstab file the tablet wouldn't reboot after flashing that zip file. I suspect it might be a problem with cr-lf from Windows instead of lf only. I tried to copy the vold.fstab file from the tablet to the system/etc directory of the extracted zip and make the zip file again but this didn't work. So I just tried another thing which was:

factory reset
install your new mobiz rom
install your new modules zip
so far so good... then I hoped I would be able to replace the vold.fstab file with a copy of my working vold.fstab files.

But, of course, it won't let me do that. I can't rename the old file and can't copy over it. I'm using the ES File Explorer from the Mobiz ROM.

The zip file I've made by extracting all to a folder on my Windows machine, replacing the modules with the modules from your previous post and replacing system\etc\vold.fstab with a copy of mine that works (the only difference is 'nandk' instead of 'nandi') does not install properly: the progress bar doesn't move and after a while of displaying 'Installing update...' it goes to 'Install from sdcard complete'. I missed that before and tried to reboot. Of course it didn't work.

So my problem is that I seem to be very close to getting the whole thing to work if only I could change 'nandi' to 'nandk' in the vold.fstab file in the zip file to install. But I haven't found a solution to that problem yet.
have you enabled root in ES File Explorer? you have to go into settings and enable root permission to use ES File Explorer to move files.

so your vold.fstab is exactly the same except you need a k?

if so I can fix this.
have you enabled root in ES File Explorer? you have to go into settings and enable root permission to use ES File Explorer to move files.

so your vold.fstab is exactly the same except you need a k?

if so I can fix this.

Yep, it's nandk not nandi.
here you go flash via cwm.

below is what vold.fstab in this zip looks like.

## Vold 2.0 fstab for HTC Passion
## - San Mehat ([email protected])
## Regular device mount
## Format: dev_mount <label> <mount_point> <part> <sysfs_path1...> 
## label        - Label for the volume
## mount_point  - Where the volume will be mounted
## part         - Partition # (1 based), or 'auto' for first usable partition.
## <sysfs_path> - List of sysfs paths to source devices

# Mounts the first usable partition of the specified device
#/devices/platform/awsmc.3/mmc_host for sdio
dev_mount	sdcard	/mnt/sdcard	auto	/devices/virtual/block/nandk
dev_mount	extsd	/mnt/extsd	auto	/devices/platform/sunxi-mmc.1/mmc_host	/devices/platform/sunxi-mmc.0/mmc_host
dev_mount	usbhost1	/mnt/usbhost1	auto	/devices/platform/sw-ehci.1	/devices/platform/sw_hcd_host0	/devices/platform/sw-ehci.2
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Your first mistake was installing the Mobiz ROM for 9742. It has a bug related to video that has never been corrected. Fortunately, you did read the sticky posts and had made multiple backups so you're back to normal.

As for Google Play, you need to wipe both the Play Store's data as well as the Google Services Framework's data (Settings > Apps) before the Play Store will work. You may possibly have to reboot after you do wipe the data. If push comes to shove you'll have to wipe your Google account off the tablet, then wipe the data of the two apps, then reboot.

Now that the Mobiz rom works I don't need to get Play Store to work on my original rom. Just as well because nothing seemed to work!

Thanks for your help. I will be keeping an eye on this forum to see if improvements happen on this rom. At the end of 3 days I have a tablet that can access the apps I had on the previous one!
I use Linux, so really can't say how to do it via windows, with Linux you simply right click the zip, select extract make your changes then right click folder and select compress.

Traveller1701 is a windows guy, He should be able to help you, I think most use 7zip and notepad plus.