Can't get any barcode scanner apps to work on Visio


Jan 1, 2012
From what I've been told by zxing, it seems that android only recognizes rear-facing cameras as primary or "real" cameras. Since Visio only has a front facing camera, all the barcode scanning apps come up as "this will not work on your device". Any one get a barcode app to work?
Follow-up from ZXing: Front camera will not scan well as its CCD and preview resolution are low. Barcode Scanner+ already supports this and I am not sure if or when it will be back ported
Been working with a developer at ZXing on this issue of not being able to use barcode scanning apps on devices with only a forward facing camera. His latest reply:

"You'll have to wait for the next version -- right now the app requires a camera, and to Android, that means a rear-facing camera. I'm actually going to set it to say it does *not* require a camera, to allow it on devices that have only front-facing. I have not tested it on a front-only device but know it works on front-facing cameras."

That should be good news for tablet owners.
Got update from ZXing:

"I just released version 1.3.1, which is marked as not requiring a
camera, so it should install. I am not sure what will happen on
startup actually. You will need to select "Prefer front camera" in
settings if you try it."

Installed fine, but comes up with error message when starting app. Will update when I hear more.
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I've been testing the app on the Visio tab for Sean Owen (the developer). Finally working!!! It still has trouble reading the 1D UPC barcodes because the camera resolution is so low and there is no auto focus, but all of the other features work fine. He will be releasing the newest version that will work for forward facing cameras in a few weeks since he wants to incorparate a few more enhancements in the next release.

We finally have a barcode reader for forward facing cameras on the tablets!
Thank you Sean.
I've been testing the app on the Visio tab for Sean Owen (the developer). Finally working!!! It still has trouble reading the 1D UPC barcodes because the camera resolution is so low and there is no auto focus, but all of the other features work fine. He will be releasing the newest version that will work for forward facing cameras in a few weeks since he wants to incorparate a few more enhancements in the next release.

We finally have a barcode reader for forward facing cameras on the tablets!
Thank you Sean.

Good job it is nice to see users and app developers working together to solve issues.
Google Goggles works on the Vtab, reads barcodes and is an image recognition program. Take a picture or just share a pic to the program and it will analyze it for you.