Case Advice


May 15, 2013
Hi folks, I recently bought an RK3066 based tablet (JUSTOP Jtouch 7") and I'm looking for a case for it. Ideally I'd like one that's custom fitted but haven't been able to find one anywhere. As alternatives I've been looking at the generic style with the four elastics at each corner but I'm a bit worried about whether or not the tablet will be secure and also if the corner tab will press on the power button so anyone's experience of this type would be most welcome. The other one I was looking at is made by Techguard and has something called 'Ninja Tape' which sticks to the back of the tablet and holds it in place. Again, I'm worried about the security of the tablet in the case so if anyone has any advice it would be most welcome!!
I just got a M807T as a replacement for the M906G after it refused to charge in less than a year after I bought it. replaced it under warranty. As a result, I've been shopping for a case. I bought a the cheapest one I could find for the M906 but that was a mistake. It was one like this:


Sometimes the tablet would slip out of the case. Only one of those hooks is adjustable, the other two can be bent for a better fit but not enough to keep the tablet snug.

For my current tablet, I'm going to get one like this:

From studying the pics, it appears the tabs use Velcro to attach the tabs to the case. I'm hoping it is the strong stuff.:)

It'll either be that or

The camera openings doesn't match my tablet but I have a punch to make it work.

What did you end up doing?
I was considering one of those cases with the velcro tabs as well but in the end I was able to get one of these very cheap;



It's meant for a Nexus 7 but fits mine fairly well. I was a bit worried about it only being held by the corner elastics, but I've had it for a while now and I've had no problems with it at all.
I just ordered this one from eBay last night:

I didn't like the elastic and am not too sure about the Velcro. I hope I get it before the end of the week. Couldn't stomach the idea of a brown one. Price was still under $10. Will let you know my impressions if interested.
I was concerned about the corner elastics as well but I needed something urgently, this one was heavily reduced in a closing down sale and I figured it would do until I could find something better. Even though my tablet is slightly smaller than a Nexus 7 it actually feels extremely secure. Whether you'd get that same security on a cheap one I don't know but I've ended up being very happy with it.
My case arrived today and the sleeve that holds the tablet is too big. The best way I can describe the fit is like too big AND wet underwear. I got it from eBay so I have already contacted the seller. Lesson learned. The doo-doo brown case dimensions seem to be a better fit for the tablet I have. Problem is I hate doo-doo brown and have yet to find the case in a different color.