[CFW] GingerLF EVO - Custom GingerBread Android 2.3 for MID1024


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2011
WARNING! This Custom Firmware works only on 1024n boards, to know what board your tablet has please read this thread.

This is a landmark on GingerLF, so I skipped V1.4 and started a new thread.

Special props go to (sorry if I forgot someone):
- Steev: the script master, source of most mods and code found here
- Pickupman66, Vernox701, neferim and flxrms: tips and feedback
- jmv_10: found and shared a AllDro2 Gingerbread ROM for smdkv10 based devices
- Coby for releasing an official restore firmware
- sunset0202 for the boot logo
- Symbean for the amazing Honeycomb UI
- Everyone who helped with the touchscreen drivers in this thread, specially SampNeves and dachabre.

- Gingerbread 2.3
- Root enabled (most recent Superuser package)
- 1.5 GB of internal storage (more space for your apks, should work with any internal microSD card)
- GAPPS for 2.3 and updated Market
- Support for 3G, Bluetooth, GPS via USB and advanced HDMI enabled
- Patch with support the more 3G modems, Ad-Hoc network and Ethernet USB dongle are optional (please report if they work)
- Boot Animation: Honeycomb (secret)
- Density LCD set to 160 (but can be changed later)
- Database optimizations (acidmods package)
- Vendor has its own file system now
- Installation with information on screen and log
- Can be installed from the internal SD
- Option to not delete applications already installed and data (see below)
- Choose a theme: standard or Honeycomb (see below)
- Install custom apks during installation (see below)
- Several optimizations aimed at performance and compatibility, using the fingerprint of the Galaxy Tab (can be changed via script provided).

Disclaimer: This custom firmware was tested in a multi-touch MID1024 and worked fine, but you are solely responsible for its use. If it bricks your tablet you've been warned.


I recommend that you previously full format the microSD used for installation in FAT32 mode to make sure it is OK, and fully charge your tablet's battery.
1. Download ZIP file
2. Uncompress and copy its contents to the root folder of the microSD: you should see a file called "u-boot.bin" in the root folder of the microSD card
3. If using an external microSD, safely eject the card from your computer and insert the card in the external slot
4. Turn tablet off
5. Turn on your tablet holding the Home button (silver one). Don't hold it for too long: as soon as you see some blue text on screen, release all buttons.

Relax and wait. Errors will be logged to screen and to a file named log.txt on the microSD. First boot will be slow, hang on! It is recommended that you run fix_permissions using Terminal Emulator as root or adb at least once after installing the new version.

V1.5 - EVO
Download link - CFW-MID1024-GingerLF-V1.5 - Minus.com
MD5 B3:07:28:D1:B7:23:24:F3:02:60:B9:B4:44:E8:C7:2F

1. Don't want boot animation (will show standard Android), remove bootanimation.zip from update folder (or replace it with your own).
2. Launcher: delete or rename honeycomb folder for stock theme.
3. Custom apks: copy them to apk folder. Important: file names must not have any spaces! Rename the files if needed.
4. If you want to enable a patch, move the file from DISABLED_PATCHES to patches.
5. Delete or rename 0_DATA_WIPE if you want to keep your installed apps and data (not recommended if you upgrade from Froyo or V1.2 or lower).

Note that if you install from internal SD or disable "DATA WIPE" that some features may not be availbe after installation. This is proabably the last version that will offer the option to install stock Gingerbread theme, and future updates will be supported and tested only if it's installed at least once with standard settings, including WIPE DATA.

Enjoy. ;)

Hotfix20111224 - Fixes Market and Terminal Emulator fc in early version, not needed if you downloaded the file starting 20111224 12:00UTC.
Download link - CFW-MID1024-GingerLF-V1.5 - Minus.com
MD5 A9:84:6A:20:55:94:68:D4:9B:60:DF:48:85:0A:1E:A7

Installation - copy the file to the root folder of any microSD card, internal (/sdcard) or external (/extsd), rename it to upgrade.img, turn tablet off then turn it on while holding the silver (Home) button. It will display a message that it found utscript1.sh and will ask to confirm with VolumeUp (increase volume key, physical button on the side of the tablet). Confirm only if you see a message with utscript1.sh on it. If it displays something with "internal SD init", then cancel with VolumeDown and check file name and location.

PATCHES - Installs 3g_outlay and search_hotspot patches (extended 3G dongle and ad-hoc support). Both are included in the CFW but disabled by default, so you can install then when installing CFW using instructions above or install later using this patch. It won't erase anything, so it's quick and won't touch your apps.
Download link - CFW-MID1024-GingerLF-V1.5 - Minus.com
MD5 24:40:65:D5:E4:DB:A0:3D:2D:6A:CA:1D:01:2A:3F:DD

Installation - same as Hotfix above.

PS: If you like this ROM, please rate this thread 5 star (Top of the page -> Rate This Thread). Thanks.

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This is great, and it's not even Christmas yet.

Thank's lfom.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 1024 using Tapatalk.
hi ive installed your cfw by the way thanks, im having a hard time to root my coby but now i installed your cfw so it means that i have a rooted coby?but one question how will i know now if my coby is rooted?thanks again for your cfw. now this is to confirm that my board is 1024n even though it has different GT from what youve posted on other threads.just to let u know that id crossed my fingers while installing this CFW.hehehe..thanks again.anyway link2sd not working it says

mount script error

mount script cannot be created

mount: mounting /dev/block/vold/179:2 on /data/sdext2 failed: device or resource busy

hi i accidentally hold the menu button while powering up my coby now it runs the installer again but now my coby hangs on start on the logo. did i brick my coby?cause when i try to shutdown and power it on its just shutdown again at the logo?what can i do to fix it?
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@mharckk - LinkSD needs an aditional partition on the microSD card for it to work properly. Check its documentation.

To fix your tablet, copy the files again to a microSD card using a computer and install it on tablet again. If you still have problem, then maybe your card is bad.
ok will try hoping its not brick or something but its installing now. i will post after it installed.thnks for the help.anyway its a great cfw.

finished installation. now its loading the logo with an android :)

its ok now. working again.whew.. thank you very much. anyway merry christmas.

now i have a question. you said that

PS: I haven't included the updated build.prop to fix Market 3.4.4. I should release a Hotfix soon, until then simply edit build.prop using a text editor and replace ro.build.version.sdk=10 with ro.build.version.sdk=9. Sorry for that.

how will i do that?

ok didnt notice that you already posted a hotfix.tnx

one thing ive noticed. my coby 1024 has 4gig sd card but now it has 2gig only. how can i get back to 4gig?but maybe i just didnt noticed before.anyway it has a 1.5g internal memory. but i wonder is the internal memory different from internal sd card (not the external sd card)?
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Thank you lfom for this xmas gift. I have installed on a mpman 1027
this is the same pad delivered in France. Your rom is nice.
Merry xmas and Happy New year
one thing ive noticed. my coby 1024 has 4gig sd card but now it has 2gig only. how can i get back to 4gig?but maybe i just didnt noticed before.anyway it has a 1.5g internal memory. but i wonder is the internal memory different from internal sd card (not the external sd card)?

Both are in the internal SD. Stock ROM uses only 512MB for applications ("Internal storage" in Settings), while mine reserves 1.5GB. No need to use Link2SD.

@lionelannie thanks. ;)
Ifom, if I upgrade the internal Microsd, is there a limit to the size I can use with your ROM. I know some firmware will only format up to 16GB. Thanks again for a great ROM.
Ifom, if I upgrade the internal Microsd, is there a limit to the size I can use with your ROM. I know some firmware will only format up to 16GB. Thanks again for a great ROM.

Did you replace the internal SD? If yes, and you have installed some firmware on it, then there is no reason mine won't work on it. If you plan to replace it then you can test, it will do no harm. At most you won't be able to load system, but it won't brick so you can easily replace the card again and install the firmware. If the installer doesn't recognize the internal SD it won't touch it also...
Did you replace the internal SD? If yes, and you have installed some firmware on it, then there is no reason mine won't work on it. If you plan to replace it then you can test, it will do no harm. At most you won't be able to load system, but it won't brick so you can easily replace the card again and install the firmware. If the installer doesn't recognize the internal SD it won't touch it also...

OK Thanks. I have done it with the Flytouch 3 many times before, I was just curious if you had done it with yours. I haven't done it yet with the 1024 because I have read a couple of reports about the capacitive touch dying after just opening the case on the 8" and 10". doesn't make sense to me, but I want to investigate it a little further before I do.
Very nice. I noticed some new things but I'm not sure which one is the surprise.

The main app I use every day (CadreBible) is much faster and responsive.

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