Change LCD Density


Feb 22, 2011
How do you go about changing lcd density in the version 2? I have tried all the apps and they do not work. I went to build.prop and the entry ro.sf.lcd_density=240 is commented out, so it does not control anything.

Any other ideas?
Just edit the file, un-comment the line and put whatever density you want, save the file and reboot.
I like Blade Buddy (root required)... a little more flexible than just Change LCD Density with root.
Socaljj - Kindly help me know how to adjust the contrast. I just bought this tablet but sometimes it is so slow. also the contrast could really be better. I just wish it can just work smoothly. I have not done anything to it because I have no idea how to. Kindly help me with how you did yours. I do not even understand the things you wrote on your post above. Thanks