Change the boot animation


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2010
1) install z4root. This is not in the apps market, you have to get it from their website.
2) download some from somewhere on the net Google is your friend, and there are many of them out there
3) You will need to install the Android development kit. This is easily available. It will require you to install a JDK as well, and hack a couple of registry entries to make it work.
4) Install usb device drivers on your PC, so that you can see a valid ADB device in your device manager.
5) Move your boot animation to your sdcard using this command on PC adb push /sdcard
6) On the phone, run z4root and get temporary root access
7) Start a shell as root on PC adb shell su
8) Change your /system partition to read-write mount -oremount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system

9) Using adb shell command line.
cd /system/media
dd if=/sdcard/
10) reboot your phone. Your system will no longer be rooted and the /system will auto remount to readonly.

Sent from my Ideos S7
Note that this can be done with root explorer or with terminal commands on any rooted device.

The preview tool by camalot can be useful if you are planning to make your own or if you are just previewing from Windows.
I was just sick of watching the telstra boot animation.

Sent from my Ideos S7
Hi There,

I already have root access. Will this approach work for me or do I need to enter any command to make the system read only at the end?

You can enter the commands directory into a terminal on the device. I tend to go to the effort of installing the ADB because of other benefits and also I plan to do some application work on the device. Some people use Droid Explorer on the PC, or even root explorer will work. This file lives in the /system partition, which is read only, so it needs to be mounted as read/write. Once you reboot it will go back to read only.