Changing Download Folder to External SD Card


Nov 20, 2010
i m using a Chinese android tablet running android 2.2
My question is that how can I set the download folder to my external card. At the moment all down loads go to down load folder on my internal sd card and in the settings I can't see any method to change it to external sd card.
I am a novice do please tell me some easy and user friendly method of doing this
Thanks in advance
I am having exact same problem. Baun tablet recognises my micro ext sd card but astro file manager keeps directing everything to the internal sd area, and I am unable to find any reference to an ext sd folder. I have been told that when internal is full it will auto transfer to ext micro sd. I do not believe this!
someone please help as I am heading to europe in 14 days & purchased the ext micro card to cope with pics & vids and expected both camera could be set to & file mgr download to it.
If there isn't anything in the camera app that lets you set the download location, you'll have to move the vids and pics manually using your file manager program. When internal is full it will not auto transfer.
If there isn't anything in the camera app that lets you set the download location, you'll have to move the vids and pics manually using your file manager program. When internal is full it will not auto transfer.

But astro file mgr cannot seem to locate the ext sd micro card (tho tablet does) for me to even begin to learn how to move vids/pics to it.
any suggestions as to how I might get the 'system' to show me the ext micro sd card?
I not others having exact same prob but no clear fixes suggested.
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i m using a Chinese android tablet running android 2.2
My question is that how can I set the download folder to my external card. At the moment all down loads go to down load folder on my internal sd card and in the settings I can't see any method to change it to external sd card.
I am a novice do please tell me some easy and user friendly method of doing this
Thanks in advance
I'm with
Astro should show it as SD Card 1.
no. all astro has shown me since I purchased the microsd is SD Card0, which I believe is the internal sd.
I read a post which suggested I might get access to the ext micro sd by typing "mnt/sdcard/external" into my file browser. I am an abs beginner here, sorry, but which is my file browser. Is it the Browser which comes with the tablet set up or is there a browser somewhere in Astro file Mgr? Again, excuse my ignorance.
another query with astro search settings: should I have the default sd setting as sdcard0 or local network or both?
oh, if it's of help ...
while astro cannot find my ext micro sd, my pc could (once attached by usb cable to tablet).
I downloaded a test pic. The tablet then recognised it in GALLERY (but nowhere else). when I pop out the ext sd, that picfile disappears from Gallery & reappears when I pop sd card back in. So I know that the micro card is functioning and Tablet recognises it (under Storage as well), so why does Astro not?
To make matters worse, my amateurish mucking around with tablet settings over a week has now caused tablet to show up on my PC as AT-HK97 (camera logo) where I can ONLY access the internal SD card!!! when once I could 'access all areas'.
So now I can no longer move pics between PC & micro sdcard Lost Direc folder.
Any suggested remedies to this prob as well???
You've got me there. I basically know enough to get me in trouble at times.
My Astro shows locations, SD Card 1, SD Card 2, Local Network, and my various cloud storage sites.
You could try another file explorer, from the play store, to see if it will recognise the card.
guess I am going to have to try that.
weird that Astro only shows my internal sd location (& as 'SDCard0" - significant?)
any idea why my pc can now only 'see' contents of SDCARD0 and no longer the other contents of my Baun tablet, including the ext sd micro card file (LOST.DIREC), all of which it had immediate access to until most recently via usb connector cable?
I gather my mucking around with settings must have caused this!!!!!!!!!!
I can't help but believe that the computer issue might be in an auto-run setting on your PC, and not be with your tablet.
For your camera, go to the play store and check out Camera ICS. If its comparable with your tablet, it has settings to save to the external storage.
sorry to be a dumbo but can you explain 'autorun' & how I might rectify it so as to again get full access to tablet via pc?
will def give Camera ICS priority try over/with other suggestions from the forum -ES Explore file mgr and Android Assistant & return with feedback. Thanks.
When you first plug in to the PC, generally a window will show, with options on what you want to do. If it was set up to transfer photos, that could explain the camera showing up, and not the whole tablet.
Check the "computer" screen, the one that shows your different drives. Hopefully, your tablet will show up as a removable device.
yes it once did.
it now shows up as a removable camera device, allowing access to internal sdcard0 ONLY.
I have tried changing the file mgr settins from sd card to network, then to both. To no avail!
would it perhaps be that Dropbox locks onto the tablet when it is connected so as to find any undownloaded pics?
I'm with Spider, on your other thread, might have to take the card from your tablet and read it directly on your PC.
I use mine independently of each other, but when I do transfer files, I too use Dropbox.
Don't know if Dropbox could be your problem. I've never set my cloud sites up to automatically do anything.
When you finally get the ES file explorer set up (and hopefully recognize the ext casrd) things should smooth out for you.