Charger question


Jan 4, 2022
Hi, all. I have 2 onn android tablets., An 8" plus a 10". The chargers look exactly alike. What would happen if I accidentally switched them since I can't tell the difference? The markings on the sides are non legible. would any damage result from, let's say, using the 10" charger for the 8" tablet? Thanks for your advice. Mr Ed
Ohhh Wilbur!

(Hopefully you caught the reference...LOL)

Plenty could go wrong if the chargers happen to NOT be identical. They likely are identical, but you want to grab a decent magnifying glass or a jeweler's loupe - what I use - and look. As to what could happen....

*Incorrect voltage. If there is a mismatch in the voltage, whichever item has the lower voltage will eventually burn out, and probably burn out quickly. At worst, you could burn the house down.
*Incorrect amperage. Assuming the voltage of the charger is correct a charger generating fewer milliamps than the tablet requires will cause the tablet to take longer to charge and may cause the charger to overheat. A charger producing more amperage than required however does not mean the tablet will charge faster than normal. The tablet will only draw what it needs from the charger.
*Incorrect polarity. This really only applies to devices using barrel plugs as USB-C connections are symmetrical and both mini- and micro-USB plugs can only be inserted one way. Inserting a charger with the barrel's polarity reversed from what the device requires will damage the tablet's charging system and possibly cause the lithium ion battery to swell and eventually explode.
Thanks for the info and quick response, Traveller. I would need an electron microscope to read the specs on those chargers! (LOL) I think a good idea would be marking each one to match their respective tablet. In the meantime, I keep the chargers far apart so they won't get mixed up. Thanks again, Mr Ed
Well,, I just did a search online and found that both Onn 8" and 10" charges have exact same specs. Shoulda done that in the first place! My bad. 😡