Charging Problems


Sep 18, 2013
hello all
I have a galaxy tab 2 (7.0) I have had it just over a year with no problems but recently it wont allow me to charge it while it is in use, (I have tried all the suggestion on this site like resetting it blowing in ends, different sockets etc) nothing seems to work, I use the charger that came with it and have purchased another but neither of them work (while its on) it will charge when switched off but very slowly (like all night to get it to 100%) I have contacted Samsung and they told me to restore it to factory settings which I did that has not worked either, Its driving me mad as it was fine when I first had it


I had a very similar problem with an Asus TF101 - it would only trickle charge through my PC. The problem did get solved in the end by buying a new charger. It is a bit strange that it will charge through your computer (battery should be ok then) but not through your charger. Could it be possible that your replacement charger has a problem as well?
Hello jonton

It wont charge through computer or wall socket whilst it is on at all (just get red X over battery and it says the battery is discharging when you look at battery settings, I have actually took it to maplins and they tried several chargers but all with the same result.
If the chargers you've tried are of the correct voltage and milliamp rating, it sounds as though either your battery or your tablet is defective. Try running the tablet without the charger until it turns itself off, then fully charge it without using it. If that doesn't work, you probably need to repair/replace it.:(